Olivia just grins down at her. “Get after it, Big Mama!”
Ford hands their grandmother a ball while Three claps and cheers from his spot by the target. Big Mama can barely fit the big red ball in her shaky hand. There’s no way she’ll be able to hit the bullseye, right?
She takes her first four shots, squaring up and squinting at the bullseye. Then she chucks the ball with the weight of her whole body, but none of the shots land more than two feet in front of her.
“Phooey,” she mutters after each failed attempt.
Ford hands her the final ball, and tells her, “Last chance.” I glance up at Olivia. Big Mama might be disappointed, but at least Olivia’s going to survive this first go-around without a dunking. I watch as Liv makes eye contact with Three who’s standing beside the target. Then she jerks her chin to indicate the bullseye. Three nods back.
What are they up to?
Big Mama makes her final nowhere-close throw, and Three elbows the target right in the center. The platform collapses out from under Olivia, who plunges straight into the tank. The basin is made of thick, clear plastic, so we can see her body fully submerged under water. Big Mama pumps her arms in victory.
And the crowd goes wild.
As the platform resets, Ford makes a big show of handing his grandmother a free voucher for the pub. Meanwhile Olivia climbs out of the tank and back up the ladder, sputtering and covered from head to toe in goose bumps. She waves at the crowd and returns to the platform. There she sits, hunched and huddled with her arms across her body.
“Who’s next?” she calls out, her teeth chattering behind her grin.
My chest goes tight.
Big Mama was the first person in line, and Olivia’s already freezing. Not only that, but Big Mama didn’t even come close to the target. Olivia intentionally took one for the team. More precisely, she took one for her grandmother. My heart swells at the gesture, but I wish the warmth I’m feeling right now could extend all the way to her.
The truth is, Olivia McCoy is braver and more generous than just about anyone I know.
Too bad wanting her is self-destructive.
And it’s also way too late for you to stop.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve ended up in the dunk tank, but it’s somewhere north of two dozen. Good thing we presold so many tickets, or I might be worried we’re losing money on this fundraiser.
Still, more people keep showing up to try their hand at getting me in the water, and some of the ones who missed the first time around are buying extra tickets to try again. The best part about this is that every time I climb back up the ladder to take my place on the platform, I feel stronger. To be fair, I also feel about as frozen as Jack Dawson, stuck in the ocean while Rose floated high and dry on the door.
But, more importantly, I feel … seen.
Seen for who I can be, and who I already am. I’m showing this town—and myself—that I’m a good sport who will do anything for causes she believes in. I’m not just a polished presence on social media platforms.
I’m on a dunk tank platform.
From my vantage point, shivery as it is, I’ve watched tons of locals stuffing the ballot box with suggestions for new pub names. People have been dropping books in the donation bins. Everyone in Abieville is shopping, sharing, and smiling. This day’s been nothing short of a smashing success.
So why is Hudson frowning?
To be fair, he’s only frowning when he thinks I’m not watching him. Then, when I catch his eye, he flashes me a thumbs-up, and hauls his mouth back into a grin. As much as I appreciate his attempts to cheer me up, I can’t help wondering what’s bringing him down.
When the party rental guys arrive, and the line’s dwindled to a couple of high school kids, I wave to get Hudson’s attention. “Hey, bossman!” I call out. “We have to surrender the dunk tank soon. Are you gonna give it a shot? Or are you afraid you’ll miss?”
He pastes on another phony smile. “Thanks, but I already live at the inn,” he says. “And I can get as many free drinks and appetizers from the pub as I want. Anytime.”
“Show-off,” I tease.
His mouth crooks for real this time. “Don’t tempt me.”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” I offer him my brightest grin. “And anyway, you still need to get revenge for me ambushing you with the hose.”