Chapter Twenty-Two


“No dares!” I squeal and sprint off toward the beach with Hudson hot on my heels. I have absolutely zero idea what I was thinking when I decided to ambush him like that.

Okay, maybe I’ve got a slight idea.

I mean, the hose was right there coiled up outside the boathouse, and I knew Hudson would be coming around the corner soon. I figured a little water play might be fun. So when he appeared, unsuspecting and exposed, I started spraying him like it was my job.

What can I say?

Tess told me to be a fun-bringer.

But now I’ve become a giggling lunatic, leaping down the slope that ends at the beach, and from the sound of Hudson’s laughter, he’s directly on my tail. Except nope—he’s not on my tail anymore. He’s actually on me, charging up from behind, and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Whoa, this man is strong!

A shriek of delight bursts from me, and I try to wriggle free, but Hudson scoops me straight up off the ground like I weigh less than nothing. Now both my feet are in the air, sneakers wheeling as if I’m riding an invisible bicycle. He pauses for only a moment to shift his grip, sliding one arm under the curve of my knees and the other around my back. Then, once he’s got me secured again, he starts jogging toward the lake with my body cradled to his chest.

His formidable, rock-hard, heaving-for-breaths chest.

“You mess with the bull, you get the horns, hotshot.” His voice is a deep and sexy growl in my ear, a warm brush of breath against my skin.

“Bad bull!” I howl, pretending to pound at his chest. “Be a good bull,” I beg. But the truth is, I love being in his arms. And anyway, my fists bounce right off the shelf of his pecs.

Note to self: This man does not need any tips on working out.

“The bull can’t stop until you take your punishment.” He’s still making a beeline for the shore. I bury my face in his neck—his incredible, woodsy, salt-scented neck—and suddenly we’re crashing into the lake, making our own waves as he splashes through water.

“Nooooo!” I cackle. But he strides out even deeper, about to sink us both, until I call out, “Stop!”

That’s when Hudson freezes—stock-still like a wall of granite. He remains motionless until I finally look up at him, blinking tiny drops of water from my lashes.

“I’ve got you, Liv.” His words are full of gravel, and he strengthens his grasp on me. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” The whisper of a smile plays across my lips, and we lock eyes. “I’m perfectly fine.”

“But you?—”

“The water’s just … a little chilly. That’s all.”

Hudson dips his chin until it’s practically touching my forehead. “For a minute there, I thought I might be hurting you. And I was … just … I …” His voice softens. “I would never hurt you. I hope you know that.”

My insides heat up, even as my skin breaks into full-body goosebumps. A shiver runs up my spine, and I draw in a long breath. “I believe you,” I say, softly.

Hudson adjusts his grip. “Good.” Then, still cradling me in his arms, he pushes his body back out of the hip-deep water, delivering me to the shore one slow stride at a time. Once we reach the beach, he sets me gently on the sand. And after moving a few steps away, he shakes his head first, then the rest of his limbs. Like a shaggy dog.

That smells amazing.

As water flies off him, I can’t help noting the soaked clothes clinging to his body. His Beachfront polo strains against his shoulders, and his water-logged cargo shorts hang below the ridge of his abs. He stops shaking and catches me looking.


I quickly avert my gaze. “At least you were smart enough to kick off your flip flops before we went in the water,” I say. Then I toe out of my damp sneakers and peel off my socks. As I wring out the bottom of my tank top, I flush hot all over. And I’m just grateful the cotton isn’t sheer. Still, my cut-off shorts are stuck to my thighs, and Hudson’s gaze drifts down. He drags his eyes back up pretty quickly, though.

“Not my first rodeo,” he says.

“I see.” I lift my chin and my brow. “So you’ve chased a lot of women before carting them into the lake with you?”