“Hudson says I’m a good listener.” I force out a chortle. “So if you hear of anyone hiring a professional listener, please let me know.”
My mouth slips sideways, and I hazard another peek at Hudson, navigating our boat back toward the docks. The man is gorgeous, there’s no doubt. But it’s the way he cares for others that makes my heart swell. Around him, I feel wrapped in a cocoon of safety. Like he wouldn’t let anything hurt me.
Let alone him.
Maybe Natalie and Hadley are right. After all, they balance successful careers and happy relationships. They both risked their hearts for true love, and their lives seem infinitely better for it.
As a smile spreads across my face, Hudson glances up, almost like he was expecting it. He pushes his sunglasses on top of his head, and when he meets my gaze, the rope of connection between us zings. His lips turn up—a crescent of feeling. Then his eyes flicker.
Only for me.
I’m tempted to fly across the boat and hop into his lap.
“Hey, ladies!” Brady reaches over to honk the horn, and we all startle in our seats. “What’s going on back there?”
Natalie calls out, “We’re hungry, men!”
“Well, that’s good news,” Hudson says, eyes still on me. “Because feeding beautiful women happens to be my favorite.”
After a delicious dinner and a long, laughter-filled evening at the pub, we all walk Brady and Natalie to the lot by the docks to say our goodbyes. Then I head back to Big Mama’s, rumbling across town in Uncle Phil’s old truck.
I’m just parking under a sugar maple in front of Big Mama’s house when my phone goes off. Not a call this time. A text. From Francine Tomlin.
She probably heard the news that Hadley and Link are thinking about getting married at The Beachfront. I’ll bet she’s losing her ever-loving mind.
Well, let her.
Olivia. I’d like to talk to you about returning to Luxe in a manager’s position. Consider it a job offer you can’t refuse. I know it’s late there, so call me in the morning if you’re interested.
If I’m interested?
AM I interested?
So much for sleeping tonight.
Chapter Forty-One
Over the next three days, Olivia and I arrange for Hadley and Link to test out all the amenities we’ll be offering future guests. Our first goal is to make their stay a rousing success, but they say they’re excited to be guinea pigs in our practice round before the reopening.
Liv’s cousins turn out to be absolute rock stars, which comes as no surprise. First, Three hosts a guided fishing tour over by the lake’s campgrounds, then Ford leads a hiking expedition up and around Abie Peak. Lettie and Nella go antiquing with Hadley, while Link and Sam play golf with Brady at the course in Southampton.
In between these activities, Hadley and Link visit the very best of Abieville’s hot spots: The Launch Pad, Spill the Tea, Dips and Scoops, and The Merry Cow.
Of course.
We leave just enough room in the schedule for Brady and Link to look over contracts, and for Hadley and Link to enjoy daily naps in their suite. And all the while, Sam takes pictures and videos which Link’s agent posts ’round the clock.
By having Link and Hadley here, The Beachfront unexpectedly won the promotional lottery. In the meantime, Olivia and I are doing our best to keep things strictly professional between us.
That’s because we are professionals, first and foremost. And as much as there are feelings growing between us, we’re both committed to doing what’s right for The Beachfront.
Doing right by the Johnsons.
Whenever I catch Liv’s eyes across the room, a secret smile plays across her lips. If I’m saying something complimentary—about her or the inn—I add a little volume to my voice so she can hear me. And do we ever cross paths closer than necessary? Is there the occasional brushing of hands?