She glanced over her shoulder at her rescuer. The sexiness didn’t end with his voice. Vaguely, she noted that while she’d had to shove her way through the crowd, the mass of humanity had seemingly parted for him. He stood alone, though closer to her than strictly necessary. Tall and broad, with close-cropped golden brown hair and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen, her Good Samaritan stared down at her with a bit of a smile. Her tummy knotted.

“He needs to know what kind of wine you’d like. Let me guess.” He gave her a considering stare. “A sweet red?”

She shook her head. “No. Um, a Sauvignon Blanc. I prefer the taste of white wine. Red tends to upset my reflux.”

Way to go, Everly. That was a super sexy comeback to the hottest man she’d ever met. Of course he wanted to know about her digestive issues.

“Well, we wouldn’t want that.” A hint of amusement lurked in his voice. “The lady will take a Sauvignon Blanc, and I’ll have a Scotch. The Glenlivet fifty.”

The bartender immediately went to work.

“Thanks.” She felt herself blushing. She probably looked like an idiot schoolgirl to him and could only hope she hadn’t drooled. She’d never seen him before, but she would bet he occupied the VIP room. Maybe he was an actor. He certainly looked good enough to be on the screen. “I couldn’t seem to get him to hear me.”

Mr. Gorgeous’s lips curved up as he leaned against the bar. “I don’t think his ears are the problem. The man seems a bit blind to me.”

Everly wasn’t sure what that meant, but she found it impossible to look away from him. “I guess he’s really busy tonight. The place is packed. I even heard the strangest rumor that the president is here.”

The man laughed. “Ridiculous. I’m sure the leader of the free world can get better booze at the White House.” He held out that big hand of his. “Name’s Gabriel.”

Like the archangel except in a really well-cut suit. His name was fitting. She put her hand in his, and he immediately covered it with his other. He swallowed her hand between his palms, the heat from his skin warming her own.

“I’m, um . . . Eve. It’s nice to meet you.”

She didn’t like the idea of this man calling her the same thing as all her business associates. Only her family and closest friends called her Eve. Tonight, she didn’t want to be the woman worrying about her job and how she was going to afford her loft. She’d rather be someone whose only pressing concern was to flirt with a hot guy. This conversation was likely to go nowhere, but she could fantasize about the handsome stranger.

Everly knew she was something of a wunderkind computer geek, but maybe Eve could be a flirty seductress. Eve could drink her wine and pretend that the gorgeous man beside her found her irresistible.

Yes, she would like to be Eve tonight.

About the Author

Shayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances produced via traditional, small press, independent, and audio publishing. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys watching reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

Shayla’s books have been translated into about a dozen languages. She has also received or been nominated for the Passionate Plume, the Holt Medallion, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Readers Choice Award. RT BOOKclub has twice nominated her for Best Erotic Romance of the Year, and also awarded her several Top Picks and a KISS Hero Award.

A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every new book. Find Shayla at or visit her Shayla Black Author Facebook page.