Page 24 of The Enforcer

He doesn’t look convinced. I can feel the guilt and pain oozing off him. He feels horrible.

I feel bad for him, but it’s also kind of cute how worried he is.

“People get bumped into all the time, Tucker,” I say with a warm smile. “It was just a little blood, but I’m fine.”

He takes a few deep breaths as he stares out at the nearly empty highway.

“I don’t think we should be together,” he finally says.

My stomach sinks. It hits me how much I don’t want that to happen. How much I like him. How drawn to him I am.

“Don’t say that,” I whisper as I turn to him. “It was an accident.”

He won’t even look at me. “I hurt you. I’ll never forgive myself.”

He’s so sweet. I’ve never had someone so invested in my safety. I know I’ll be able to feel protected and secure with this man looking out for me. He would do anything to keep me safe, I can tell.

That thought draws me to him. It makes me breathless. My body begins craving him in a new way.

I loosen my seatbelt and shift in my seat so I’m facing him. He glances at me quickly and then keeps his eyes on the road.

My heated eyes roam up his large body as a fire sparks in my core. Those thick arms… His muscular thighs… That chest… God, I love that chest.

I start to picture him without clothes on and the fire grows in my belly.

“If I was hurt, could I do this?” I ask as I kneel on the seat and erase the distance between us. I kiss the side of his face softly, gently, letting my hair tickle his skin.

He sucks in a breath as I get closer to his mouth. He’s struggling to keep his resolve. I’m determined to break it.

I kiss the corner of his mouth and he lets out a low groan.

My lips move down to his thick neck. I kiss a trail along it.

He starts breathing heavily. He’s clenching and unclenching his hands around the steering wheel, his body stiff and tense as I try to loosen him up.

I slide my palm up his hard bicep, feeling the tremendous strength in it with a sense of awe.

I love his body. It’s so massive. So strong. Something primal awakens in me as I touch him—the instinctive part of every woman that wants the biggest largest caveman to protect her.

I know this man will protect me. Even now, he’s keeping his eyes on the road, trying to keep me safe. My protection is always his number one priority.

I run my hand over his big broad shoulder and over his chest. He sucks in a breath as I slide my palm over his stomach.

My eyes drop to his muscular legs and I let out a little gasp when I see the long thick rod running along his thigh. He’s hard.

I can’t take my eyes off it. The sight of his erection sends a furious heat rushing into my core. I shift on the seat and notice how wet I am. My desire is undeniable. I want him. And I don’t want to wait.

I lower my hand onto his thigh and rub it as I place my lips an inch from his ear.

“You still want to break up with me?” I whisper.

He groans when I press my breasts against his arm.

“I can’t be your girl anymore?” I ask in an innocent little voice as I slide my hand a little higher.

His head drops back on the seat as his breathing comes out rough and fast.

I grin, feeling myself getting bolder.