Can I?

“Send me pictures of them,” she says, and I laugh.

“I couldn’t call you. I don’t think that a picture will go through.”

“Fine,” she sighs. “Just take a bunch of pictures and then show me when you get home.”

“I will,” I promise.

“I’ve got to go,” she sighs.

“I’ll call you again soon,” I promise.

“You better!”

We say our goodbyes, and I head back out to the living room. The guys are all whispering to each other, but Niko breaks away as soon as he sees me.

“Ready to head back to the cabin?” He asks me, and I nod.

“It was nice to meet you guys. I hope that I see you again while I’m here,” I say as I pull on my winter gear.

The guys all seem surprised by my words and they share a look that I can’t figure out.

“Same,” Davis says, and I smile as Niko leads me out to the porch.

“They were nice,” I comment as he leads me over to the snowmobile.

Niko grunts, and I bite back a smile as I climb on behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist and off we go. It’s starting to get colder as the sun sets, and I’m surprised that it’s so late. It feels like today flew by.

“I’ll get your bag. You head inside,” he says as he turns off the snowmobile.

I nod, heading over to the door and then pause.

“Can I see your wolf now?” I ask him, and he nods.

I stop on the porch and watch as he comes over. He sets my luggage inside the house and then shrugs out of his jacket. I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head, and my mouth waters as I take in all of his muscles. The guy is ripped. There are muscles that I didn’t even know existed and have never seen outside of airbrushed magazine photos on him.

His hands reach for his pants, and I can feel my face heat with a blush. I spin on my heel, giving him my back, and he chuckles.

His boots land next to me and then he’s tossing his pants over the railing, followed by his boxer briefs. I try not to imagine him naked and standing a foot away from me, but it’s hard.

“Ready?” He asks, and I turn around, watching his fine ass as he heads off of the porch.

“Uh huh,” I mumble, forcing my eyes up to his face as he turns around.

“It will be quick,” he warns me, and I nod, leaning over the porch railing slightly.

He nods at me once and then he’s shifting. He’s right; it is over fast. One minute he’s a man, and the next, there’s fur and paws and pointy ears in his place.

“Whoa,” I breathe, my eyes widening as the wolf comes my way.

I reach my hand out to try to stop him or to pet him, I’m not sure. The decision is taken from me when the wolf rubs his head against my palm.

“So soft,” I whisper.

The wolf comes closer, and I get braver, stroking over his head and then down his back. He’s a lot bigger than I expected.

Part of me can’t get over that this is real. I know that I wrote about shifters, but it was all a fantasy. Even when he told me, it was still more of an abstract thought. This just made it all so real.