Page 30 of Soldier of Death

"Sure thing." He hangs up and then works to change lanes, taking us in a different direction.

Everything inside me goes on high alert. "What's going on?"

"Change of plans. Boss is unhappy. What did you do, Princess?"



Iwas already agitated, unsettled after Elena attempted to kiss me last night. Why did she do that? Why did it make me feel weird things in my chest? And why the fuck did I want to kiss her back?

And now, I’m pissed. I’d told myself that Elena understood her position, accepted the situation. I’d even considered giving her more freedom. Because of that, I didn’t need to check my phone to see if she’d used it. Finally, as the issue gnaws at me in my office at the pizzeria, I decide I have to know. I’ll be a putz if I put my faith in her. Sure enough, staring back at me is a call to Italy, to the Conti Family, no less.

I gave her my fucking room. Treated her with more care and respect than anyone else. And she betrayed that trust.

The disappointment in her surprises me, and I don’t like it. I’m pissed that I’m disappointed. I’m especially pissed at myself for thinking I could trust her. I don’t trust anyone. Why should she be different?

After discovering the call, I spend the next few hours learning all I can about Elena Fiori. For all I know, she’s playing a deadly game with her father. What I learn doesn’t shed much light. Whydid she call her sister in Italy rather than her father or Romeo? My sense is she doesn’t care much for them, but she knows them. It’s true that people prefer the devil they know over the devil they don’t.

I toss my phone on my desk and gather my thoughts as I wait for Donovan to bring her to me. In the meantime, I call out for my men to join me to discuss more important issues than Elena Fiori. I need to focus on the task at hand, which is making sure that the Fiori and Abate Families don't get the retaliation I know they're seeking.

My men crowd into my office, ready and willing for whatever command I intend to give them.

"I've gotten word that Fiori is looking at taking action against one of the clubs, probably in New Jersey. But I want extra men and diligence on all of them."

"You got it, Boss. What about Don Abate?" says Marco, one of the few men who was smart enough to switch allegiance to me after I killed my cousin.

"I'm not hearing anything." And that bothers me. I know neither Tiberius nor Romeo is going to let go that I took something of theirs.

"We've seen some of Fiori's men staking out your various properties. But no sighting of the Abates," Lou, a longtime soldier with the family that Donovan brought in, says. "But we did see Romeo out running his mouth about popping you in an upscale titty bar."

Paulie, the oldest man on my crew because he had worked with my father, rolls his eyes. "Romeo Abate is too stupid to realize the humiliation he incurred when his bride was kidnapped from the altar while he ran and hid."

We all laugh at that.

"Tiberius is smarter. He might not have shared any of his smarts with his son, but we need to stay diligent." I knowI’m smarter than them all. But I’m also smart enough not to underestimate any of them.

"I don't know why we just don't kill them all," Mikey, one of the newer members of the family, says. I like him because he takes orders well, but I’m a little concerned that he is overenthusiastic. Sometimes, impulsiveness can be dangerous in this game we play.

"In due time, Mikey. And when that time comes, I'll be the one to take them out." My eyes are hard as I look at him, wanting to make sure he understands that Giovanni Fiori and Tiberius Abate are mine. Mine to kill in return for taking my mother and brother from me.

I hear a commotion outside my office, and my men immediately tense, reaching for their weapons.

"It's okay. It's just Donovan." I can hear Elena, her voice pitched up. She's asking Donovan what's going on. The fear I hear in her voice makes me glad. I’d been nice to her, and she repaid me by going behind my back. Now she needs to know who she’s dealing with.

But even as I feel the satisfaction from her fear, somewhere deep inside, I feel like an asshole for it. Jesus, am I growing a conscience?

The door opens and Donovan ushers Elena in. My men step aside to make room for them as Donovan brings her to my desk.

Elena's eyes dart around the room before settling on me. I lean back in my chair, tenting my fingers together in front of my chest as I study her.

She opens her mouth to speak, but I bring my finger up to my lips to shush her. "You will not speak unless I tell you to."

Something crosses her face. I think it’s understanding and resolve. A recognition that she has no power here. If she’d realized that sooner and not used my phone, we wouldn’t be here.

"First of all," I speak to my men. "She is not to be touched. Do you understand? She’s mine."

All the men nod, including Mikey, although he looks a little disappointed. I don't blame him. I know firsthand that Elena has a body made for fucking.