Page 21 of Soldier of Death

“That’s right. It’s like a popsicle. Suck and lick it.”

I gently rock as her tongue slides along my cock. Her lips suck, and for a moment, I simply watch and savor the pleasure building, expanding. I let the sensations wash over me.

"Like that… yes." There's a rhythm to it. It’s natural, primal, or maybe she’s just made for sex. I watch her, the way she gives herself to this act, and something twists inside me, a knot of something dark and possessive that should feel right but instead feels a little out of control.

She makes a soft mewling sound and pulls back.

I thread my fingers through her hair and guide her to me. "Keep going." I think about how I’m the only man she’s wrappedthose pretty lips around.Mine. It filters into my brain again, and pleasure spears hard through my body.

“Fuck! Yes!” My hips buck as my release overtakes me. Her hands grip my thighs as I hold her to me and pump my cum into her mouth.

When I release her, she sits back on her heels, my cum dripping from the side of her mouth, which she uses her hand to wipe away. Her eyes stare up at me. She looks a bit stunned. That feeling in my chest twists again, this time feeling a little bit like guilt followed by compassion for the situation she’s in.

I step back wondering if I have it all wrong. Maybe this innocent thing with her is an act. Perhaps she’s manipulating me. Have I fallen into a trap? A trap set by her father? And does it matter? She’s here now. In my home. Under my protection.Mine.

"Stand up,” I demand.

She rises, staring at me with those amber eyes of hers. I catch her chin, lifting her gaze to meet mine, ensuring she sees the truth of my words. "Never forget who you belong to."



Not long after I'd met Kate, she made a comment about feeling like she was inThe Twilight Zone. I had no clue what that meant. She explained to me that it came from an old TV show and meant feeling like being in an alternate world. That is how I feel right now. I've been kidnapped by a rival family, the leader of which is referred to as the Soldier of Death. I’m a prize he will likely use against my father and the Abate Family. A prize who will likely be killed before all is said and done.

For all intents and purposes, I should be terrified. I should be repulsed by the man who is going to kill me or have me killed. So why did my body get warm and tingly when his gaze took in my naked body? Why did his words and his touch make me ache inside?

I can tell myself that I gave in to him because what choice did I have, anyway? Men like him take what they want, whether it’s offered or stolen. But it would be a lie to say that I opened to his touch simply because I was his hostage. What is wrong with me that I so freely, willingly, gave in to his touch? I let myself enjoy the sweet torment and the delicious aftermath. And whenI was on my knees, his manhood in my mouth, I felt a surge of power I'd never felt before. I realized that my actions controlled how he felt at that moment. His pleasure was coming from me. It was stupid to think of it like that, but I did. The salty essence filled my mouth, and I had the thrill of being the one who made it happen.

But the feeling subsides quickly because I can’t be sure about Niko's demeanor. I wouldn't say he was necessarily gentle or kind, but he isn’t rough or cruel as I would expect. Is he trying to pacify me? Does he want me to put my guard down so I don't do anything to cause trouble?

I realize I must guard myself from thoughts or feelings that would suggest I was anything more than a pawn in his war with my father and the Abate Family. If I'm going to get out of this alive, I need to play it smart. I need to be obedient and yet observant and figure out how I can get out of this mess.

I don’t respond to his demand that I don’t forget to whom I belong. I’m sure he won’t let me forget, anyway.

He studies me for a moment and then says, "Get yourself cleaned up. I’ll arrange for food."

I shake my head. "I'm not hungry."

His eyes narrow, darken slightly. "You are under the misguided impression that you have a choice. You are my prize,cara mia. You will not waste away under my control."

I give a short nod, indicating that I will obey. I step back into the shower and wash myself again. When I get out, I see a robe hanging on the back of the door. I decide I want more coverage than a robe offers, so I put on the clothes the woman had brought me.

I exit the bathroom and find him sitting at a table near the window doing something on his phone. A few moments later, there's a soft knock on the door.

"Come in.” He doesn’t look up from his phone until the door opens.

The servant who'd brought me the clothes enters carrying a tray.

The scent of pizza enters along with her. It smells delicious while at the same time, my stomach rolls over, reminding me that I’m pregnant with this man… my killer's… child. I purse my lips shut, hoping to keep whatever is in my empty stomach from trying to come up.

"Set the tray here, Maria." Niko motions for her to put the tray on the table. He sets his phone down next to it and then rises from his chair. "This is Maria. She will be taking care of you while you are here. Whatever you need, she's authorized to help you." He arches a brow at me. "Within reason, of course. For now, you are confined to this room. Do you understand?"

I was beginning to recognize that while Niko's tone could be smooth, even calm, underneath it, there is a hint of darkness. His words are the law. I have no input, no say in the matter, so I simply nod again.

Niko studies me for a moment. “You have grown awfully quiet. You have no questions?" This time, there's a hint of amusement in his tone. I'm reminded that I am the mouse and he is the cat who will enjoy toying with me.

"Just one."