Page 14 of Soldier of Death

“Slight change of plans. You’re still taking me to the switch off.” This time, instead of moving the bodies of Fiori and Abate, we’re moving my virgin. What is her name? Alice? No. That was fake. The priest called her Elena. It fit. Classic. Beautiful. Innocent. Yet with fire.

Fucking hell, why am I thinking that?

When we get to the new location, we wait until Donovan shows up in the dark SUV.

I exit the car and meet him. “Everything okay?”

“There’s a lot of threats, but they knew they were outgunned. It’s war now,mio amico.”

“Just as we knew it would be.”

“What about the woman?”

“I want you to take her home.” I give him instructions on what to do once she gets there.

He arches a brow, but he knows enough not to ask. At least not now. We’re far from out of trouble.

“Where are you going?”

I nod across the street from the alley. “I’m getting a pizza. As planned. No one will possibly think I was involved when I’ve been here all afternoon having pizza.” Plus, I know that Donovan likely dropped off one of Fiori or Abate’s men we’d taken from the wedding. I plan to get as much info from him about Fiori and Abate’s plans against me.

Donovan nods. “Bring me a slice?”

“I’ll bring home a few pies.” I pat him on the back, knowing he’ll take care of my virgin Elena… or no, she’s not a virgin. Not since I filled her sweet, innocent pussy.

A shiver runs down my spine. It’s not fear. It’s not worry. It’s lust.



The trunk slams shut, encasing me in darkness. My heart pounds as the engine roars to life and the car begins to move. I'm torn between relief and terror. Relief that I’m not married to Romeo, but fear about what my new captor intends to do with me. Not just a captor, but the man who bought my virginity. Is that why I’m here?

No. His expression was surprised before he shut the trunk. The realization hits that I’d been wrong to assume he was the boss of the club, or more accurately,onlythe boss of the club. He is the head of a Family. The club is likely a front, a way to launder whatever bad deeds he’s into.

I’ve gone from one prison to another. But is my new one worse, better, or the same as before? Not knowing is terrifying.

Think, Elena, think. If I’m to be free, my only window for escape is now while I’m on a public street. Once I’m taken into my captor’s lair, I’ll be guarded or killed, so now is my only chance to get away.

If I can get the trunk open, I can hop out and run. The streets are busy with people and cars. Surely, I can manage to elude him long enough to disappear. Perhaps someone will helpme. As long as they don’t know my family or him, maybe they’ll be receptive to assisting my escape. Or perhaps I can go to a homeless shelter. I have no money. All I have is my passport hidden in the bodice of my wedding dress.

I feel around inside the trunk, looking for a latch. I decide that I’ll release it when the car stops at a stoplight. I have to hope that my dress doesn’t catch or slow me down. Maybe I should take it off. I have a slip on.

But as my fingers slide along the back and edges of the trunk, groping for a release mechanism, I don’t find any. No latch. No buttons. Likely, it’s been tampered with. I’d bet I’m not the first person to be in this space. I shiver at the idea of all the bodies that were here before me. Many, if not most, were likely dead.

The car stops at what I think is a traffic light. Panic rises in my chest. I have to get out of here. Now. I pound on the trunk lid and call for help. Moments later, the car accelerates. I blow out a breath. I’m trapped.

The vehicle halts. Doors open, and I can sense the weight of bodies shifting. Men’s muffled voices filter through. I want out, but the terror of what awaits me when the trunk opens makes me want to stay hidden.

All is quiet for a moment and then the trunk pops open. Blinding light floods in, and I shield my eyes.

“Time to go, Princess.”

The voice is different. My pulse races as for unknown reasons, I feel more in danger than I did with my captor.

He pulls me from the trunk like I weigh nothing.

“Where are we going?” I scan the area. It’s still New York, but I can’t find a landmark. We’re in another alley with no one around.