Page 22 of See Me After Class

"Yes, Angel…" he breathed, bringing his mouth in line with my ear, his fingers tracing a line from my hip to my navel and across the soft skin of my underbelly.

"First, I don't remember giving you permission to call me Angel." I groaned as he licked the lobe of my ear. "Second, you've started this story seven times now. Can you move past the first line, please?"

Leon laughed into the semidarkness. Outside, an owl called out in the night. Leon slid my earlobe into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the delicate nub of flesh, and bit down gently.

I groaned, the butterflies traveling from the expanse of my spine, down into the folds of my core and through my torso, straight to my flushed nipples.

"Once upon a time, a dark enchantress…" Leon's tone was gentle. He stroked my bare ass and thighs with expert fingers. I pushed him off and sat up in one swift movement, grabbing him by the shoulders and pinning him down against the sheets between my knees.

He chuckled throatily. "Won't you let me finish? Or, like, start?" His eyes, white-hot with desire, widened as they scanned me straddling him.

I had to admit, the admiration was pretty damn gratifying. I opened my mouth a little, smiling and leaning forward. I kissed him in a full-throated French kiss, tongue ablaze and hungry for his heady musk.

Is this part of the plan for revenge?

Shut up,I finally told the nagging voice of my inner conscience.I'm getting to it.

Ah. So you're laying the groundwork.


"Go on," I told him, straddling harder.

"The enchantress was a living, breathing enigma…"

"What have you been reading?" I asked, brushing aside an errant lock that had fallen over my eye. "Those are big words for that tongue, talented as it may be."

Leon rolled his eyes and snorted. He tipped my chin gently to the side. "Don't tell me my tongue is running out of surprises, Angel."

"I like how you refuse to listen to me."

"You're going to like a lot more."

I rolled off him and buried my face into his armpit, throwing my leg across his hips. His erection nudged my inner thigh, my own wetness grazing against his hip.

God,I thought.This man has the restraint of the devil. Lucky for him, so do I…

He drew his fingers through my wild curls, kissing my forehead.

Why is he doing that?

He drew the sheets over the two of us and stared at the ceiling. I noticed the shift in his energy. A line from a classroom play a long time ago drifted into my thoughts.Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

I was here because I had no other option. I needed to find out how Leon had killed Oswald. That was my purpose. This was work.

Didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it.

Leon slid his hand down to my core and slipped a finger into my wetness, anointing my clit in a slow, teasing circle.

"Oh, fuck," I groaned, breathing in sharply and opening up my legs to accommodate more of his hand between my thighs.

"Once upon a time, a dark enchantress traveled many lands to find a new nation to charm with her devilish tricks." He continued to circle his finger very, very slowly.

"She found one soon enough, a direct import from Italy."

I laughed into the thick and unfairly soft curls on his head as he slid his fingers down and into my core. I grabbed his head and drew my breasts to his mouth. Leon licked his lips and blew air gently against a nipple. I groaned, pushing back.

He continued, "They were young. They fell in love, although that was the last thing on either of their minds."