Page 38 of Tat

“Yes. They’re all okay. They’re exhibiting the same signs as Gracie did, screaming and crying that they’re being bitten, on fire, or drowning. They’re all different. The only good news I have for you is that Gracie is in a place to speak with you now.”

“That’s the best fucking news I’ve heard all day,” said Nine. Gabi gripped his arm, holding him tight.

“Nine, she’s still very fragile. I know you think you’re gentle, but you have to be meek, sweet, and gentle with her. Sit down, don’t stand above her.” Nine stared down at Gabi, a quick retort on the tip of his tongue. But when he saw the sincerity and fear in her eyes, he nodded, kissing the top of her head.

“I got this, Gabi. I promise.”


Nine, Gaspar, Ian, and Ghost entered the young woman’s room, trying to look as small as possible. Ally and Ajei were sitting in the room, the girl’s parents sitting on the sofa. She had a mindless reality show on the television.

“Hello, Gracie,” said Gaspar. “These men are my friends, and we’re working to find the people who did this to you. Do you feel like speaking to us?”

“Yes, sir,” she said softly.

“We won’t hurt you, honey. We just have a few questions for you. First of all, I’m very happy to see you feeling better than when you were found. You gave quite a scare to a few of our boys on the property.”

“I need to thank them,” she said with a weak smile.

“Gracie, did you see who took you or where they took you?” asked Ghost.

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I was on my way home from a cello lesson, and this van pulled up. I tried to run, but running with a cello is nearly impossible. He put a black hood over my head and shoved me into the van. This other man kept saying, ‘you’re my possession. I own you.’ I was so scared and confused. I tried kicking out, but no one was close enough for me to hit.”

“When they took you, were you near your home?” asked Ian. She nodded.

“Only about four blocks away,” she said.

“Okay, that gives us a place to start,” he smiled. “How long do you think you were in the van?”

“Maybe an hour,” she shrugged. “I can’t be sure. It’s weird how everything is thrown off when you can’t see. Miss Ashley and Miss Bree have helped me to understand that nothing bit me. They put those things on my head and made me watch pictures. I’m not afraid of a lot. I mean, we live in Louisiana with bugs and snakes and frogs. It’s just life. But I hate rats. I hate them.”

“I’m not fond of them either,” smirked Nine.

“The room was dark all the time. Not like when you close your blinds in your room and turn the lights off. It was black. I couldn’t see anything. They opened the door once, but it was so bright, I couldn’t see.” She took in a deep breath, shaking.

“Take your time, honey,” said Gaspar.

“I couldn’t see anything except a man letting a rat into the room. I started screaming. I couldn’t help it. I felt it crawling on me. Then I heard the sounds of dozens of rats. The squeaking and scratching of their little claws.” She started to shake, her whole body reacting to the memories.

“That’s enough,” said Ajei.

“No. No, it’s okay. I know that it wasn’t real. I don’t have any marks on me. Nothing. They made me believe those things. Why? Why would they do that?”

“I don’t know, honey. That’s what we’re trying to find out,” said Ghost. “Did you hear anyone else?”

“Only when they opened the door to put the rat inside. I heard a girl and a boy’s voice screaming for them to stop. No names, just a male voice and a female voice.”

“At any time did you get a look at these men?” asked Ian.

“I’m sorry. No,” she said, shaking her head. “But I would recognize their voices. I hear them in my sleep.”

“You’ve been very, very helpful,” smiled Gaspar.

“I know this might seem silly, but Miss Ally said that you might have someone who can fix my tattoo. I don’t want it any longer. Do you know someone who can do that?”

“You bet we do,” smiled Nine. “Let me give him a call, and he’ll come here for you.”

A few minutes later, Callan knocked on the door, carrying a huge toolbox.