Page 18 of Tat

A few minutes later, Nine, Gaspar, Ian, and Ghost walked in, taking a seat across from the boys.

“What happened?” asked Ghost.

The boys told the story again to Ghost and the others, letting them know that they hadn’t recognized the girl at all. They described the beat-up blue van and handed them the sack that the girl had been inside.

“She was screaming that she was hurting,” said Leif. “But none of us saw anything, and neither did Ajei. What’s going on?” Ian gripped the younger man’s hand.

“We don’t know, son. But we’re about to find out.”

The boys waited hours for someone to come and get them or at least tell them what was happening with the girl. She seemed so small and frightened, and it made all of them wonder who could have done anything to her. Dylan and Sara came in with trays of food for them, smiling at the boys as they excitedly dug into their meals.

“We thought you boys might be getting hungry,” said Dylan.

“Starving,” said Leif, shoving another bite of food into his mouth.

“Well, eat up, and someone will be out with you guys in a bit. Her parents are in the back now.” Nodding, they got back to the task of eating, then waited until someone came out to speak with them.

“Do you think maybe she fought too much, and that’s why they dumped her?” asked Walker.

“I don’t know. I keep thinking about what if there had been a lot of rain and the side of the road was flooded. What would have happened? The ties on the sack weren’t tied tight, and they weren’t knotted. She could have opened it herself, but she was so terrified, I don’t think she was thinking clearly.”

“You know, if that had been one of us, we wouldn’t have fit in that sack. Maybe Ghost and the others were right. They haven’t approached us because we’re too big.”

“Yeah,” said Forrest, “but a lot of our friends are small. That means they’re all at risk.”

It was another forty-five minutes before Gaspar and Ian walked out to speak with the boys.

“Is she okay?” asked Leif.

“She’s going to be. Eventually,” said Ian. “There were no physical marks on her. No signs of rape, no beatings, nothing. As you noticed, there were small scratch marks on her hands, but other than that, nothing.”

“But,” frowned Walker, “she was screaming that they had hurt her. She was hurting.”

“We haven’t figured all of that out yet,” said Gaspar, “but Ashley thinks that maybe it was psychological.”

“You mean they made her think they were hurting her?” asked Forrest.

“Maybe,” said Ian. “We just don’t know yet. She’s pretty traumatized right now, but as soon as she’s able, her parents have given us permission to speak with her.”

“Can we stay?” asked Leif.

“No, son. We appreciate your willingness to help, but you can’t stay. You need to get home. But we would ask for you to quietly warn your friends about this tattoo artist. Don’t make a big deal about it. Just let your circle know. If anyone is thinking of getting a tattoo, send them to Callan.”

“Yes, sir,” they said in unison, standing at the same time. Gaspar chuckled, shaking his head.

“The three of you are going to make fine soldiers,” he nodded. The boys grinned, turning to leave the medical facility. “Oh, boys. Take the truck tomorrow. Don’t walk.”

“Yes, sir, we’ll do that,” said Leif. “Just a question, though. I thought you said you thought we were too big.”

“We still think that,” said Gaspar, “but we’re not willing to take any risks. If these guys are willing to drop a young girl off on the side of the road in a sack, there’s no telling what they’re capable of.” Ian saw the frustration on the boys’ faces and walked up to them.

“Listen, you’re growing into fine young men. And I have no doubt that one day soon, you’ll be keeping all of us safe. But until then, it’s our job and the job of your fathers. You’re doing everything that you can to help us, and we appreciate it. Your time will come, believe me. Don’t rush it. It will happen sooner than you want.”

“We understand,” said Forrest.

“Go on,” said Gaspar. “Your folks are waiting for you.”

The two men watched the boys exit through the back doors and into the Belle Fleur property. They just stood there for long moments, staring at the disappearing images of the three boys.