Page 45 of Tat

“Kid, you’re fucking incredible,” laughed Ghost. “Sorry for the foul language.”

“It’s okay,” she laughed. She looked over his shoulder, seeing the black-haired, black-eyed man. “You’re the same as me. You don’t feel fear like others do.” Trak gave a small grin to the lovely young girl.

“I would say that was true once upon a time. Having children and grandchildren has changed that for me.” There was a knock on the door, and Walker, Leif, and Forrest came in.

“Christina!” said Walker, coming toward her. All three boys hugged the young girl, not in an overly affectionate way but as friends. “We were so worried about you.”

“I was worried about me,” she laughed. “Thank you for caring enough to get these men to find me. I’ll never be able to repay that.”

“Hey, guys, her folks are here. Can we give them some space?” asked Cruz. They all nodded, each hugging the young girl as they left.

“Sirs? Will I see you again? I’d like to help you find this man if I can?”

“You’ll definitely be seeing us again, Christina. I have a feeling you’re destined for great things. As for your help, we’ll see, but we appreciate it.”

“Can someone redo this tattoo for me? I see all the ink on you guys, so you must know someone,” she said.

“We know the best. In fact, we’re going to have him draw up a sketch of the two men you saw, and then he’ll take care of that tattoo.”

“Thank you. Thank you, all,” she said, smiling as her parents pushed through the door.

They left the Russells alone to love on their daughter, grateful to have her back safe and sound. In the hallways, they spoke in hushed tones to Gabi and Cruz as Riley told her parents of the ordeal.

“That kid is fucking amazing,” said Baptiste.

“She’s remarkable,” said Gabi. “I’ve never seen anyone like her. Kid or adult. She remembered incredible detail about everything, and never once were they able to elicit the fear from her that they wanted.”

They all looked at one another, then back at Gabi, nodding.

“I know what you’re thinking. And yes, she would make a magnificent operator. She mentioned that she wants to get into the FBI. Maybe you guys should try to change her mind.”

“No,” said Ghost, shaking his head. “Not my job or right to change that girl’s mind. Her head is on a helluva lot straighter than mine. I’ll let fate take her to where she needs to be.” He looked up to see Callan coming down the hall.

“You got our message,” said Nine.

“I did, but you guys need to get over to the shop. Imran is with someone you need to speak to.”

“Who?” frowned Gaspar.



“I heard you came out here to work with Callan Battle,” said Spire, staring at the smaller Asian man.

“You heard right,” he said, nodding his head. “You’re not tatting unsuspecting teenagers any longer?”

“No. Neither are you,” he frowned. “Listen, I don’t want to get into a pissing match with you. I can’t get a job. All I’m asking for is a favor. If you could just give me a reference to Crossbones Ink in Hammond, I’d appreciate it.”

“Why would I do that?” asked Imron.

“Because I know who the two men are that are in charge of the experiments.”

“Too fucking bad,” growled a deep baritone voice. “We already know.”

Spire tried to stand, but there was about a thousand pounds of pressure on his shoulders, shoving him back down. When he turned to look, a man with black eyes was holding a knife to his cheek.

“Okay, okay,” he said, holding up his hands. “I’m sorry. I’m just desperate for a job. I didn’t want that job either. I got screwed over, just like Imron. I quit, and he ruined my reputation. I can’t get work anywhere.”