Page 31 of Tat

She stared at the two men, pacing back and forth in the room. Stopping, she looked up at both, unbuttoning her shirt. Callan opened the door all the way, just staring at her.

“Undressing? Really? You think that will make a difference? You’re not my type. I have a beautiful wife at home. So does he. And you do not compare to either of them. What did you do to Imron?”

“Fine! Fine, go fuck yourselves! Some guy paid me two grand to get him fired so he’d be forced to come and work for him.”

“Who? Who was the guy?”

“I don’t know,” she scoffed. “Why would I give a fuck? It was two grand.”

“So, for two grand you destroyed a man’s reputation. You didn’t just get him fired. You made sure anyone he went to work for or applied for a job with knew your version of a twisted fucked-up story. I should beat the fuck out of you.” Callan knew he was intimidating the girl now. She backed up, swallowing.

“Look, I needed the money. I would have welcomed Imron fucking me, but he refused. I had to think of something. It’s not like I killed him.”

“No, you did something far worse. You took his life from him. You forced him to work for some maniac who may be responsible for killing kids.” She only shrugged, staring at them both.

“Not my problem. As they say, not my circus, not my monkeys.”

“Did you get all that, comms?” asked Max.

“Every word,” said Hiro.

“Who are you talking to?” she asked in a panicked voice.

“Everything that was just said was recorded. We’re going to keep this for now, but if you don’t help us find Imron or the guy who paid you, I’m going to turn this over to your employer and the cops. And don’t even think about running. I’ll find you and follow through. You’re pathetic.” Callan couldn’t stand to look at the woman any longer, leaving the room with Max still standing, blocking the door.

“Please don’t do this to me,” she cried.

“Oh, honey. It’s going to get a fuck lot worse unless you help us out. Figure it out. I’ll be back in two days, and you’d better have something for me.”


Max and Callan were both quiet on the way back to Belle Fleur. Max didn’t want to push the other man into talking if he didn’t want to. Some young woman ruined a man’s reputation, all for two grand.

“We’ll find him, brother. And we’ll find this psycho tatting these kids,” said Max.

“I know, Max. I just get so sick of people thinking of only themselves. Imron was a good guy. Sweet, so calm and peaceful all the time. He was like a Buddhist monk without the robes. The dude never got angry. I’m going to bet he was horrified when she accused him of that shit.”

“I’m sure he was, brother. We’ll get this right. Back at it tomorrow?” asked Max as they walked toward the cafeteria.

“I’m gonna go with him tomorrow,” said Whiskey, staring at his son-in-law. Callan just nodded, walking past both men. “Is he okay?”

Max filled him in on their day, and Whiskey could see the toll it had taken on Callan. He was worried about the kids, but he was also, rightfully so, worried about his friend.

“I’ll go with him tomorrow, Max. Thanks for the update.”

“Hey, Whiskey? We need to look into this girl further. She was targeted to help with Imron, but we didn’t get around to finding out why she needed the two grand. It seems pretty specific for a dollar amount. I mean, he could have hired anyone to do this.”

“You think he knew about Imron and wanted to destroy him?”

“Maybe. Or maybe he asked him to work for him, and he refused, and that pissed him off. I don’t know, but I know that a man’s reputation is destroyed because of it.” Max shook his head, watching as Callan lowered his head, sipping a cup of coffee.

“We’ll try to head in early tomorrow and see what we can find,” said Whiskey.

“You’d be better off going in late. The shops don’t open until noon and stay open late at night.”

“Great. Past my bedtime,” smirked Whiskey. “Christ! I’m old as fuck.”

“We all are, brother. We all are.”