Page 107 of Stolen Beauty

“No,” he says with the same demanding tone he pulled earlier, but just as quickly as the alpha commander surfaces, he softens, morphing back into my Knox. “Not until it’s safe. When it’s safe, I’ll go back with you. You can put me to work.”

“That’s sweet.” The vision of Knox taping posters on my classroom wall has me smiling. “But it’s not necessary. Jimmy will help.”

“Well, I’ve been considering a move to Asheville. Heading out there with you will give me a chance to check out the town.”

“You love California. Sam told me you love it here.”

“Might love it somewhere else, too. I floated the idea by Jack today. I also have my side business. There’s a chance I can work on a project basis for Arrow.”

“You’re talking about moving. For me?” This man. He’s astounding. Risking his life for me, for my sister, and he’s saying he’ll uproot for me. It’s too much.

“I don’t like the idea of being across the country from you.” His index finger curves beneath my chin, and he gently lifts until my eyes meet his. “Would you be willing to see where this goes between us?”

The ache in my chest, the one that has been ever present since the attack, eases. Warmth soothes those frayed, painful edges.

“You’re asking…not out of obligation, but because you want…” I can’t finish the sentence because it seems impossible. “This isn’t because you were my first, is it? Because that’s not something that ties you to me.”

“Sage, what I’m feeling isn’t because I was your first. I love you. Your heart. Not the organ, your soul. Your strength. Your compassion. I trust you in a way I’ve never trusted anyone else. I want you in my life. I want to be with you.” His lips brush lightly over mine. “You’re my first too.”

What he’s saying doesn’t make any sense, and that’s not a funny line.

“You’re my first that I want to be my last. The first I want to try for. The first I’m willing to do anything for. What am I going to have to do for you to believe it?”

His nose brushes mine as his warm fingers caress my side, sliding higher, to the tender skin below my breasts.

“What can I do to convince you?”

I roll into his warmth. Our tongues tease. Thoughts flee. My body becomes a whirlwind of sensations. Need.

Hot tingles zap through me. He tugs on the T-shirt, lifting it higher, over my head. My breasts are heavy, aching.

He reaches between my legs as his hot mouth sucks on a nipple. My back curls, and I mewl in pleasure. God, the way he makes me feel. My clit swells with need, and he presses the bundle of nerves with his thumb as his fingers find my entrance. As he works magic on my body, my fingers explore the planes of his back, his tousled hair, the coarse growth along his jaw.

He trails wet kisses down my body, to my apex. It takes one, no two slow licks with his tongue and I curl forward quivering. It’s mind-blowing, really, what he can do to my body. What my body can do in response to his.

I reach between us, shoving his briefs down to find his erection. I grip him, rubbing my thumb over his smooth tip.

“Je-sus,” Knox grits.

He lies flat on his back, fingers in my hair.

“Do you like this?” I lick up his shaft, and he groans. His eyelids flutter closed. I’ll take that as a yes.

My fingers fondle his testicles as I lick his tip.

“And that?”

“I’m gonna like anything you do.”

I take him in my mouth, deep, as far back as I can go, sucking, moving my head up and down as my hand wraps around his base. He expands in my mouth and mumbled expletives spill from his.

With one quick movement, he pulls me off him and positions me on my back.

There’s a rip. His hand rolls over his shaft, and then he’s between my legs.

“I want to come inside you. I want to feel you.”

I nod and spread my thighs wider. He pushes his tip into my slickness. My clit pulses with need, so much like my rapid heartbeat. He stretches me slowly, carefully, and we both let out a low, satisfied groan.