Page 65 of Under His Control

Ellen juggled her duffel and the bag of groceries she’d bought once she’d reached Charlotte. The whole drive back she’d blasted an old playlist from her teenage years when she’d been a shy, geeky girl with bad skin and low self-esteem. She’d sung along at the top of her lungs with Alicia Keyes’ Girl on Fire, Kesha’s Woman, Beyoncé’s Run the World, Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger and, her favorite, Rachel Platten’s Fight Song.

“This is my fight song,” she sang now under her breath as she unlocked the door to her apartment. “Take back my life song, prove I’m alright song…”

After putting away the food and throwing the few articles of clothing she’d worn over the past week into the washing machine, she made herself a mango smoothie. She took it, along with her cell, into the second bedroom, which she’d converted into a studio.

A fresh canvas was waiting on her easel, calling her name. She’d already completed the pencil sketches for the latest installment in her What’s Luka Feeling? series, this one entitled, appropriately for her mood, Luka’s Feeling Blue.

Putting on her paint-stained work smock over her clothes, Ellen got to work. The good thing about doing what you love was that you could lose yourself in the process. Eventually, her mind emptied, her spirit calming as she immersed herself in her art.

When she finally set down her brush, the sun had already set. A ping on her phone made her heart leap into her throat. Was he texting her? Had he had a change of heart? Was he, even now, on his way to see her?

Fumbling for the phone, she touched the screen. Her heart fell as she saw the text was from Kayla, followed by a pang of guilt. She’d been remiss in keeping Kayla in the loop during the past week, which she had promised to do. She would have to make it up to her best friend.

You back in town yet? Or are you still being held prisoner by a dark, sexy Dom? Details, girl! I need details.

Smiling in spite of herself, Ellen decided a phone call was in order. Kayla picked up on the first ring.

“Hey, El.”

“Hey, K,” Ellen replied. “First off, sorry, sorry, sorry for being out of the loop.”

“No worries. I assume it’s because you were overwhelmed with awesomeness by Master Amazing.”

Ellen managed a chuckle. “Something like that, yeah.”

“Are you back in Charlotte or still in the sexy clutches of Master Damon?”

Ellen bit back her sigh. “I’m home. Just got in a while ago.”

“Great,” Kayla enthused. “Because I missed you. By the way, I looked up the name Damon. It’s from the Greek and means someone who tames or subdues. Great name for a Dom, huh? Way better than Curtis.”

Kayla always looked up the meanings of names. Her live-in boyfriend, also into the scene, was named Curtis, which Ellen vaguely recalled meant polite in French.

“Yeah,” she agreed halfheartedly. “It’s a great name.”

“Hey,” Kayla said, her tone softening with concern. “What’s wrong? You sound a little down. Already missing the guy? Wait. Doesn’t he live in Charlotte? Oh, no. Don’t tell me things didn’t go well. Is that why I didn’t hear from you? I just figured you were in BDSM heaven and I’d cut you some slack.”

“It was heaven,” Ellen replied, this time unable to keep the sigh from her voice. “But now it’s over.” Tears pricked her eyelids. She blinked them away, refusing to succumb.

“What? That’s it? What happened?”

“It’s a long story,” Ellen replied, not really wanting to get into it all on the phone.

“I got nothing but time,” Kayla replied. “Curtis is on call tonight at the hospital. Wanna meet at Inizio’s? Or I can pick up the pizza and bring it to your place.”

It had been a long day, and Ellen was tired. A part of her just wanted to curl up with a good book and a bottle of wine. But she knew that would probably lead to more feeling sorry for herself. Plus, she felt bad for blowing Kayla off all week. Not to mention, it would be good to get out of her own head. Kayla was always good at putting a positive spin on things.

“Let’s meet at Inizio’s in, say, a half hour?” she said.

“Perfect. Then you can fill me in on your most excellent adventure. I can’t wait to hear every juicy detail.”

Chapter 26

“I’m sorry. What?”

Jake made a face. “Are you feeling okay, boss?”

No, I’m not okay. I can’t stop thinking about her. The way she trembled when she was on the edge of orgasm, desperately waiting for permission for release. The way her pupils dilated with that perfect combination of erotic fear and desire for whatever delicious torture I could devise for her. The breathtaking trust she placed in me from our very first scene. How she would look up at me through those long lashes just before taking my cock into her mouth, in that moment the one very much in control. When she dropped to her knees in the mudroom and brushed my boot with her lips, it was all I could do not to lift her up and into my arms. I can’t stop seeing the tears in her eyes when we said goodbye…