Page 59 of Under His Control

Rolling to his feet, he pulled on his clothing and wandered into the living room. The fire was dancing in the grate. The air was redolent with the aromas of melting cheese, tomato and garlic. The table was set, Ellen visible beyond the counter that separated the kitchen from the rest of the cabin.

Damon had a sudden, crazy impulse to come up behind her, nuzzle the back of her neck and wrap her in his arms. He quickly nixed the ridiculous idea. No way was he going to compound his earlier mistake by getting all lovey dovey. Nothing had changed between them. She was still his temporary slave girl, nothing more.

“Something smells good,” he called out instead.

She appeared at the counter, beaming at him. “I found a lasagna in the freezer. I opened another bottle of red, too. Everything should be ready in just a few minutes, Sir.”

“Sounds perfect,” he said, relieved she, too, had come to her senses. They would put whatever had just happened behind them and move on. “I’ll check my work mail while I wait.”

Going to the couch, he opened his laptop. He saw that he had a text from Anthony. Clicking on it, he read:

Good evening. I trust things have continued to go well between you and Ellen? I wanted to let you know that the cabin is available for the next week, if the two of you decide to extend your contract.

Damon’s traitorous fingers hovered over the keyboard as, for a split second, he considered accepting the invitation. The impulse was quickly quashed, however. As tempting as the idea of more time with Ellen might be, he needed to get back to work.

He found himself sorely tempted to offer her a ride back to Charlotte to extend their time together a little longer. Though he was reluctant to admit it, he wasn’t quite ready to let her go.

Which was precisely why he needed to let her go. If they spent more time together, she’d definitely get the wrong idea. Or was he the one who would?

Fortunately, the decision was taken out of his hands. Anthony informed him that Ellen had driven herself to The Enclave for the auction, her red Mini Cooper still parked in the lot behind the big house.

It was for the best. Why drag things out? The week in BDSM paradise was coming to a close. It was time to return to real life.

Thanks so much, Anthony. Things are going great. This has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Unfortunately, duty calls. I actually planned to bring Ellen back up to the main house tomorrow morning. I have to fly overseas next week, and I’ve got several things that need handling in the meantime.

Anthony replied a moment later.

I completely understand. I’m sure the two of you will reconnect in Charlotte, once you’re back in town. I’m so glad we could help in bringing like-minded souls together.

Damon couldn’t help but chuckle. This guy was worse than his mom when it came to trying to get him to “settle down.” He typed back a non-response.

Thanks again, Anthony, for everything. We’ll see you tomorrow morning.

Chapter 23

Ellen lay awake for a long time after they’d gone to bed. She must have finally fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes, the bedroom was bathed in silvery light from the full moon. The air had that silent, still feel of the hour just before dawn.

She rolled onto her back. Damon lay on his side facing her, his face softened in sleep.

Master Damon, she silently corrected herself.

What did it mean that she was suddenly thinking of him as Damon rather than Master Damon or Sir?

Was it because he’d finally made love to her?

She closed her eyes, letting the delicious memory of his strong body on hers, his hard, perfect cock moving inside her as he held her pinned to the mattress, fill her mind. After the intense session in the stockade, she had been drifting in that lovely, ethereal space she sometimes went to after a difficult but satisfying scene. She had been basking in her Master’s aftercare when she’d felt the touch of his soft lips on her sex. Then he was rearing up over her like a god, gripping her wrists, nudging his impossibly hard, smooth cock between her legs.

Despite the powerful orgasm dragged from her by the sex machine, her body had been instantly and completely ready for him. She’d climaxed almost the moment he’d entered her and hadn’t stopped until he’d spent himself inside her. She’d lain afterward pinned beneath him, reveling in his masculine weight, the scent of his skin, the nuzzle of his face buried in her neck.

The only thing that had been missing was his kiss.

For all they’d done over the past week, for all his claiming of her body and soul, he had yet to kiss her. That one chaste kiss on the mouth after Master Anthony and Master Mason’s visit didn’t count.

She’d been hopeful earlier that night when they’d climbed into bed. She’d assumed they would make love again. As intense as the first time had been, it had been over far too quickly. She had been hoping for a long, leisurely session filled with tenderness and romance…

She needed to be careful. He’d let her know several times during dinner and afterward that tomorrow was their last day together. She’d known going into this thing that he didn’t have the same relationship goals as she did. She’d gone into the arrangement with eyes wide open. She could have refused the placement. She could have waited for the next auction.

Even so, it annoyed her that he was cutting their last day short. But to protest would have seemed needy, even clingy.