“Mordecai says that other than repairing the one with Kirsten, and that is apparently just a repair and not a full-on redo, he says it’s best if we wait until just before the orgy to redo the blood oaths and recreate those bonds. Also, for reasons he isn’t sharing, he says it’s best if Marco doesn’t have contact with you. Most of us think Ell has a way to watch that we aren’t aware of, and Mordecai thinks Ell will somehow know if there’s contact with Marco.
“Well, fuck. Again, though, I’m going to follow Mordecai’s counsel, though I’d feel better if I could speak with Marco. Meanwhile, what can I do from down here to help?”
“Aaron is in on all the planning, and he’s going to provide you with printouts of everything, both so you’ll know the plans, and so you can alert him if you see a problem, or if you have ideas for improvement. Also, he’ll get you a list of those coming, and we’d like you to figure out something of a seating chart in the orgy field. Alabama people here, Chattanooga bikers here, Chattanooga Pack here, Chattanooga vampires over there, tents lined up over there, torture area — you get the idea. The thing is, all the bikers will want to be together, no matter the city, and yet, the Alabama bikers might feel better around the Alabama vampires, right? Not the case in Atlanta, where the bikers and coterie don’t trust each other, and you know you’ll have to keep the Atlanta Pack away from the Atlanta bikers.”
Fuck, that was going to be quite the puzzle, but it would be good for me to have something to do, and Sophia was right that I was the best person to figure it out.
“Right. I’m going to want a dedicated space, probably a conference table, where I can put a huge blow-up map of the field and surrounding area, and then pieces of paper sized to the approximate number of people in each group, so I can move them around and play with it. Probably a whole bunch of highlighter colors, too.”
She smiled. “Two rooms down, the map is already on the conference room table, along with the highlighters. For now, we have approximate numbers for you. Aaron will have the list — as it stands now — for you around midnight tonight. There are also a whole bunch of papers representing tents, scaled to the maximum footprint Marco is allowing.”
Chapter 24
Officially, I was supposed to be acting as if Cora was dead and I was focused on revenge. Unofficially, I spent every waking moment preparing for a battle I was beginning to believe we might actually have a chance of winning.
We had more than three thousand people coming for the orgy, and more than two thousand of them would help us fight.
But our biggest ace was the fact Mordecai would be flashing everyone to us right before the orgy was to start.
He’d handed long ropes to the Master Vampire in every participating city, and they were to stand in a group, roughly a circle, and wrap the rope around them at 10:45 PM Eastern time. Mordecai would transport everyone, all at once, to the spaces on the field Cora had decided they should be. All would bring their weapons and extra ammo, and we’d have huge plastic bins all over the place for them to store their weapons so there were no accidents during the sex portion of the evening.
Also placed around the field at random were inflated mattresses, pool floats because we could only find so many inflatable mattresses in local stores, tarps with blankets on them, and a whole lot of large wedges someone could be draped over to fuck from behind. Lots of pillows, too.
We already had several hundred people in the underground areas of Homewood, and the local bikers would be arriving soon with more blankets to put out for them and their cohorts from other cities, once Mordecai flashed them all in.
But I’d missed Cora something awful, and I would get to see her in three hours.
Meanwhile, there was much to do. We had weapons and ammo for the Homewood residents and security people locked into Kirsten’s old Bronco on the edge of the field, and the supplies for our local vampires locked in an Expedition near the spot they’d be during the orgy. Our people had been loading magazines for days.
Bran was supplying a half-dozen people for the orgy, but more importantly, eleven people to be tortured. Also, he’d sent his chef, Fluffy, to help RaeLynne, Chase, and others feed everyone. Madeline was in Faerie, being protected by the Winter Queen herself. The little human was also on loan to Mab while there, and it made me look forward to my promised days with the little masochist even more, but that was a thought for another day.
We’d built a frame to hang those to be tortured from their wrists, ankles, or whatever body part the torturer felt appropriate. When today was over, the frame would be burned, and we’d plant wildflowers in this space. Also, one of the Atlanta vampires would be holding a magical dome over this area, so the screams from the tortured didn’t bother those involved with the orgy. Etta would be able to hear them, and they’d all hear each other, but those of us having sex would not.
Ryan had stapled tags onto the ears of all those in the dungeon waiting to be tortured, so there would be no mistakes in who was to eventually be killed versus who should only be tortured.
I would get more power from this orgy than I can hold, but I’d feed it to all my vampires, and then pull from them later, when I needed it. I’d be able to feed it to Cora’s wolves as well, theoretically, but I’d do that last, since we hadn’t actually tested my ability to get it back from them.
We had multiple people who could amp up with the power of three — Nathan, Kirsten, and Mordecai, of course, but also the Fabulosa Trio with Kelsey, Jayce and Moira with their grizzly bear and wolf, Augustus with his slayer and wolf, Brooke’s snake with his jaguar twins, and so many others. Also, we had Gabby and Horse, who were scary powerful together, not to mention Angelica and Bash.
And we had Mordecai along with more than a dozen demigods and demigoddesses. His offspring, mostly. Did that make them Kirsten’s stepkids? It was too much to consider, so I pushed it out of my mind.
Cora had done an excellent job of figuring out where to put everyone. The Owl King and his people would be on the opposite end of the field as the Eagle King and his people. The hawks were all together near the center since so many of them were security for Homewood. The wolves and vampires were scattered all around, with the cities mostly together, unless it was a city where they didn’t get along, and then they were put in different places.
I went back inside and called the young woman and man to me who were scheduled to feed me. Both would change to their animal and back after I fed from them, so they’d be in top shape for the evening’s orgy and the battle we fully expected to have later tonight.
I didn’t fuck them, but I had the man fuck the woman while I drank from her neck, and then had the woman give the man a blowjob while I fed from his neck — and I drank their lust the entire time. They changed to wolf when I finished, and I walked with them to the feeding area and tossed a few live chickens into the pen with them. They could open the pen in either form, but with wolves expected from different packs, Ranger said it would be best to separate the wolves while they ate. These two would be fine in the same pen, but wolves who don’t know each other aren’t friendly when food is involved.
And finally, finally, Kirsten came to get me so she could flash me to Cora.
* * * *
I’d felt better once my connection to Kirsten was repaired, and Mordecai had been right about that. It was just off-kilter enough we couldn’t use it, but the connection wasn’t destroyed.
But that had been days earlier. Now, it was finally time to get my people back, and when Ranger came downstairs to me, I could see the weight of the responsibility he’d held weighing on him. He’d handled it, of that I had no doubt, but he liked being beta to my alpha. He loved and adored Bethany, and he didn’t want the job of Alpha to interfere in the happy home life he’d found with his two best friends and the love of his life.