Page 13 of Fear

He looked to Venom again, and his fears grew larger.

“Andreas is nineteen,” Venom told me. “He was gifted to me on his seventeenth birthday.”

Age of consent in this state was seventeen, so their story, at least, gave the impression everything was legal under human law.

I didn’t ask if the lion would be making the trip to Tennessee with us. I’d been invited for a meal. Venom’s bite would hurt him, so I’d be able to feed blood and fear from the lion. A double meal.

“I assume my clothes stay on?” I asked Venom.

“Andreas is bisexual; I am pansexual. I wasn’t aware your tastes included lust.”

“Most of the vampires my creator made have talents similar to Marco’s. Those of us with other talents were taught how to use them during sex, but I won’t presume my invitation extends to more than a standard blood feeding.” My first lessons in torture had involved sex. I can’t drink lust down, but if there’s to be sex during a feeding, I’d just as soon take part.

Venom motioned Andreas to the bedroom, and the boy left. He was wearing jeans without a shirt, and if he was going to fill in more, he’d be a truly impressive lion someday. He was already a few inches above six feet and full of coiled power. I was more than a little surprised the local Pride leader was allowing him to stay, because this young man’s power was impressive.

“His Majesty the Amakhosi has given leave for Andreas to live in the Chattanooga coterie house with me for three months. Whether he’ll extend that...” He shrugged.

“How often do you share him with others?”

“A few times a week. You’ll need to drink from him first. Once my venom is in his bloodstream, you’ll want to avoid drinking it unless you’re certain you aren’t affected by the venom of my line. You may ride him, or he can fuck you while you drink from him. Once it’s time for me to bite him, it’ll be you on bottom with Andreas fucking you while I fuck him.”

“I can give pleasure with my bite. I prefer to ride him, to begin, rather than be fucked.”

“He’s been cut off from the Pride. You may feed from his fear during the bite, but he can’t get energy from the head motherfucker, so be mindful how much you take from his aura.”

“You don’t like the Pride leader?”

“I do not. Andreas should be ready for us.”

He turned and walked into the same door the lion had gone into, and I followed.

Andreas was nude, kneeling on the floor. He’d put wrist and ankle cuffs on, and I noted chains attached to the four corners of the bed.

I’d like to say it was a magical morning, but it was merely sex and food. I rode Andreas of the big dick, leaned down and fed from him without letting him come, and then I traded places with him, so I was on my back and he was over me. Venom attached the chains so the boy could stay in place and fuck me, but couldn’t go anywhere. The fucking commenced again, and then Venom bit his lion.

I’ve seen the effects of Deces’ line before. It makes it so a human can’t speak or move, and it’s quite painful. I’ve heard the particular kind of fear and pain his venom creates spices the blood perfectly, but I’d never tasted it. The risk, of course, is that the vampire also becomes paralyzed and in debilitating pain. It doesn’t always happen, but the only way to know if you’re susceptible is to drink. The effect on lycanthropes is also unpredictable, but I was assuming Andreas wouldn’t be paralyzed, since Venom chained him down, and I was right.

His vocal cords didn’t work once the venom was in his system, but the young lion managed to whisper his screams and entreaties while he writhed in agony and his muscles contracted in violent spasms. He fucked me until he was bitten, and then he collapsed onto me, jerking and convulsing. His pain and his fear fed me like drinking in a battery. Consuming a vampire’s fear is one thing, but the strong, powerful lion gave me life, sunshine, trees, moss, oxygen, and a joy for life and running and chasing and conquering that only an apex predator can give.

I almost always use my gift as I was originally taught — to instill fear in others and then drink the fear as I continue to scare them senseless. However, somewhere along the way, I discovered that I can also help people. Someone afraid of elevators, for instance, will wonder why she isn’t afraid of them on this day, and it’s because I took her fear. And yes, I’ve been known to ride elevators for a few hours at night, feeding without drinking.

I did the same for Andreas, and when we finished, Venom said, “The blood tastes different when he’s in pain but not terrified. I hadn’t expected that.”

“Anytime he’s afraid and you don’t wish him to be, I can take it. Eating it all in the manner I did means he won’t be any more tired than he’d been without me consuming his fear. The fear is an energy expenditure, but I got it, rather than...” I was going to say rather than it going to waste, but I worried Venom would take offense at that, since the fear usually flavored the blood.

Venom stood naked, a magnificent specimen of a man. “My gift doesn’t allow for me to use it for either good or evil. The best I can do is make him forget the pain and fear.”

“Do you love him?”

“I care for him deeply, but it’s not the kind of love you mean. I’ve had that a few times. What I have with him is special, but not...” He shrugged. “Marco demands all leaders in his territory offer tribute, and Andreas was the offering a few years ago, rather than a lioness. Marco, in turn, gifted me a creature who could stand up to my feedings night after night. One with the strength of body, will, and character to survive it. Most can’t, even with me taking their memory of it.” He stroked the young man’s calf. “I go to someone else two or three nights a week, and Marco still occasionally uses me as punishment for his flock, should someone be in ill favor.”

He shrugged and removed the cuffs from his lion, who was in a deep sleep. “Our Master has several college kids in his flock, and it used to be that I was needed when report cards came out, but now, he can keep up with their grades online, so I’m used as a means to keep them focused throughout the school year.”

“Why does he care about their grades?” I asked.

“Because he is Marco, and Marco cares about everyone he claims. You’ve been in the households of the old ones, who care only for a few of their top people, and everyone else is but a pawn on the chessboard of life. Our Master is different, and for this, I would follow him to the ends of the earth.”

We arranged the lion in bed between us, and Venom composed the young man’s memories so he remembered the good parts and not the bad, and then he began the process of waking the lion slowly. When Andreas stirred between us, he snugged into the two of us and gave a little satisfied moan.