Page 108 of Fear

The point being, this territory wasn’t presided over by any vampire, so perhaps that’s why I felt my inner vampire putting down these crazy romantic roots in this land. On this property.

* * * *


I know she felt it, too, when I stepped over the threshold. I don’t know exactly what it was, but the magic of my property recognized her and accepted her, somehow.

I’m not the first Slayer to live on this spot. I tore the previous home down and built my own, but this land is accustomed to having a successful Slayer live on it. The purchase price had been substantial, not to mention, it’d taken more than money alone to be given permission to purchase it.

I was blood bonded to the property. The protection and obfuscation spells are powered by my blood, hair, cum, piss, and shit. And okay, maybe that’s too much information, but it’s the absolute truth. The magic needed my essence, and I provided every version of it possible, other than giving it a piece of a bone or a tooth.

I wasn’t hungry, since Marco had generously arranged for a meal service for the three daywalkers on the plane — fine China, steak, amazing wine, and side vegetables that enhanced the steak. Vampires may not enjoy the foods humans eat, but they certainly know how to feed their food.

I’m not at my home enough to have a pool, nor do I have a normal hot tub, but I have one that can be quickly filled and then emptied after each use. I turned the water on, along with the timer that would turn it off after seven minutes, and then walked Etta through the entire house, including my sixteen-by-twenty-foot gunroom, where she would spend her days until I could build her a better space. She already knew the water table was too high for me to dig a basement, but she’d approved of the walls and ceiling I intended to build her daytime space with, to make sure she was protected from sunlight even after a hurricane or earthquake.

Later, we’d move a double bed into the gunroom from another part of the house, along with a loveseat. The television on the wall is in place so I can watch the gate and other areas of the property, but I’d brought a Fire dongle to put on it, so we could stream television shows and music while she was trapped in here during the day.

When the tour of the house was complete, we returned to the back porch, stripped, and climbed into the now-full hot tub. I’d expected to want to fuck her brains out the second I had her alone, but I think both of us were still processing this new energy. Carrying Etta over the threshold had been a much bigger deal than I’d anticipated.

We had a relaxing twenty minutes in the hot tub before Etta levitated us out of the water. We dried off and ran inside, laughing — Slayers and vampires might not feel the cold like humans, but February in New England can be brutal even to us when naked and wet.

I didn’t expect her to bite me the instant we were horizontal in my bed, before I even had my bearings. I froze when her teeth penetrated the skin, expecting to feel her suck, but instead, I felt fire in my veins, and within a handful of heartbeats, my dick was granite hard and throbbing.

As fast as she bit me, she was out, licked my neck to seal the holes, and then rolled to her back, pulling me with her, clearly putting me back in control.

I’d expected the first time she bit me to be this big thing, but this was a prelude to it, I suppose. I could sense a little of me in her, but she’d only taken a tiny sip. This was more about her being in me than me being in her, and fuck, I couldn’t ever remember being this damned hard.

I pride myself on my control and my finesse, but I fucked her hard and fast with neither of those things, rutting like an animal. In the back of my mind, I was checking in with how she was doing, and I could tell it was working for her, so I didn’t rein myself in. She’d given me the cocktail knowing what it would do, after all.

* * * *


I’d taken in less than two ounces of blood when I bit him, and I knew when I took in more, we were going to get more than fireworks because his blood packed some major power.

So I pulled my teeth from his neck and denied myself the pleasure. Not forever, just for a little while longer.

And he didn’t make me regret it — oh no, Ryan gave me everything inside him. He let his walls down, tossed his control out the window, and fucked me like the animals humans are when not properly socialized. Wild and reckless. Feral. He gave me all of him, held nothing back, and I exulted in it.

And when it was finally time to bite him, to take him into myself, I flipped us so I was on top, held him still, and took in everything about him — his heart thundering like a raging storm, his power pulsing in waves off him until I thought my hair might be blowing in the wind of it, and the spicy-sweet scent of his lust saturating the air. I struck hard and fast this time, and then sucked hard. I instinctively understood that Ryan wanted to feel me taking him in, and I opened myself so he’d get everything I did.

Ryan’s essence was the most savory blood I’ve ever tasted. I relished it, luxuriated in it, rolling it on my tongue before swallowing the first of it, but then the connections happened, firing in my head, in my body, in my aura — our magics merging and mixing. Combining. Fusing. Vampire and Slayer, two powers meant to be opposed, joined as one. Yin and yang, but more than that.

Marco and Cora’s energy somehow found its way into the mix from a thousand-plus miles away, swirling around and through us, intensifying our own energies until I could feel the copper circle around us and the dome over us, holding our energy in. It felt as if we should be a beacon on a hill, when we weren’t elevated, but I didn’t stop to think about logistics — I paid attention to how much blood I drank, and what our souls were doing, and retracted my fangs before I took so much he’d be lightheaded. A little weak, perhaps, but I had confidence slayers were built to recover quickly from a vampire bite, and Augustus and Blade had both confirmed my assumption.

I’d added enough orgasm cocktail to make Ryan pop harder than ever, and he flipped me over, pumped another dozen times, and his eyes rolled back in his head. I came with him, my insides spasming and absorbing what he gave me — and our souls sparked again, his essence in me in yet another way.

Chapter 33


Blade had told me my life would no longer be my own, once we did this. Her words were that we’d be ‘joined at the magic’, and I now understood what she’d meant — and why the Concilio didn’t want it to happen.

I also understood that if Marco’s power hadn’t been part of it, so we powered him up as well, Etta would easily be more powerful than him, with my blood flowing through her.

I had to assume their powers somehow stretched to reach out more than a thousand miles, but I wasn’t of a mind to try to analyze it in that moment.

Etta handed me some juice, and I downed the entire bottle. She’d brought my favorite, purple grape juice, and it was the best I’ve ever had.