Page 25 of Fear

“Kind of a ghost of something. A feeling that maybe he’s afraid of who he was, and unsure of where he’s going.” I almost shrugged again, but stopped myself. “He’s the one wanting to spend so much time with me. I’d just as soon avoid him, but if I’m to follow your orders, that isn’t possible.”

“Have you considered he might be deciding whether you can live or not?”

When I didn’t answer, he added, “You were the top torturer for one of the vampires responsible for the latest war between good and evil. You were on the dark side, Etta. I know you didn’t have a choice, but not everyone will understand.”

“Well, when you put it that way...” I crossed my arms and uncrossed them. Stupid rules for this time period, saying crossed arms meant you were afraid of the person you’re talking to. Somehow defensive. “The Concilio cleared me, or I wouldn’t be here. You trusted me enough to get me out of hock.”

“And now the slayers will need to clear you. You know how this works.”

I did, and I’d been stupid.

“He gets to me.”

He lifted a brow, and I could read him so easily.

“Yes, I’m old enough to deal with it. Yes, I know better. Yes, to all of that.” I suppressed a sigh. “What do you know of him?”

“He killed our kind pretty indiscriminately when he was first sent out on his own. Now, he seems to take more care than most slayers about making certain a death is necessary. He split with his biological family over a difference of opinion — it’s assumed that would be his view of the monsters. He owns a security company, and he mostly works on contract. It seems he negotiated to personally police the Chattanooga metro area for a great deal of money, and Kendra said he’s taken the job quite seriously.”

“Who’s running his security company while he polices us?”

“He’s still running it, but with the help of a slayer known as Blade. She’s Latino, with long dark hair that usually covers a sheath running down her back. I’ve seen her behead someone. She’s faster than most of us. Possibly faster than me.”

“Are they an item?”

He shook his head. “He helped train her, so the rumors are out there, but I don’t believe they see each other that way. I’ve been in a room with both at the same time, and their energy feels more like that of siblings than lovers. Love without romance. To my knowledge, they are not related.” He sighed. “She’s dating the Master of New Orleans.”

“Augustus’s slayer is Ryan’s close friend?” Why did this give me hope? I tried to shut it down before Marco noticed, but you don’t hide anything having to do with sexual inclinations from him.

“I don’t think our slayer leans that way, Ella dear.”

I’d been Ella when he’d first been turned. I’d been in charge back then, he was in charge now. Had he used Ella to try not to sound as if he was telling me what to do?

I glared at him. “Don’t try to manage me.”

“You aren’t yourself. I don’t know if it’s due to your treatment from Griffin or the Concilio, but you need some time to heal and get back to who you’re supposed to be.”

“Are you aware the two kinds of fear you allowed me to hunt will taste artificial?”

He stopped breathing. Stopped moving. Three seconds later, he went out of statue mode and looked alive again. “No. I hadn’t considered it. Where else should I give permission?”

“Hospitals. I’ll feed on the family mostly. Fear of losing a loved one, or even a boss, if it means they don’t know who their new boss will be, or perhaps the loss of a job. If I can hang out on the roof near a crime scene, there’s always plenty of residual fear.” I shrugged. “Griffin had me work as a nighttime volunteer at a rape crisis center for a while. Not my call, but it kept me fed.” And let me find women he could further victimize. I’d never be able to forgive myself for that. Didn’t matter Griffin controlled me and manipulated me like a marionette. I still blamed myself.

“I know what he made you do. It wasn’t your fault.”

I met his gaze. “If I’d been stronger, he couldn’t have used me like that.”

“I give you permission to hunt at hospitals and crime scenes. Stay away from the rape crisis centers. I have no idea how we’d explain that one to the Slayer.”

Fine with me. I’d lost my taste for that particular flavor of fear.

“Speaking of power,” he said, “it’s possible we’re going to have trouble with the Master of Charlotte.”

I ran the masters of the largest cities through my head. “Cecily? I know she’s older than you, but she isn’t stronger.”

“She’s more keyed in politically than I am. Right now, it’s rumors, but it feels like she’s setting the chess board. I need to make sure she doesn’t manage checkmate.”

“I know her Secundo. We were sent to Caligula at the same time about a hundred years ago, and we helped each other. He has no secondary powers, but he’s strong.”