I refused to flinch at the screams coming from the villagers, though my heart ached. All the villagers saw was an angry dragon. They didn’t see the heat of justice that burned in Evander’s eyes. Oh, sure, there was a bit of wrath there as well for all the lives the village elders had harmed in Evander’s name. But Evander wasn’t here to hurt the innocent.
Destruction complete, Evander lowered his head to rest next to me, much like a submissive dog, and I laid my hand on his scaly snout. All for show, of course. Phoebe, Clarissa, and I had way too much fun discussing every nuance of this performance, leading to a lot of huffy eyerolling from Evander. Good thing he truly loved me. As I loved him.
“There will be no more sacrifices.” I turned from the cowering village elders to face the crowd. I opened my hands wide, hoping that between my purple dress, the tiara, and that obnoxiously heavy collar, I looked like a benevolent queen who had compassion for her subjects. “I will ensure that the dragon continues to bless the village, and I will keep him from burning the olive trees or killing anyone ever again.”
For a long moment, the crowd remained silent. Then the head elder’s wife stepped forward. “All hail the dragon queen!”
Oh, she was good. Seeing her moment and seizing it.
Someone in the back cheered. The cheer spread until much of the crowd was shouting my praises.
Well, that wasn’t part of the script. I’d have to go with it, for now. I held up a hand, waiting until the crowd quieted. “However, if you ever try to sacrifice anything to the dragon again—whether a bull or a maiden—I will return, and I will not be pleased.”
“We understand, my lady.” The head elder’s wife dropped to her knees, bowing before me.
Not good. Not good at all. Last thing I wanted to do was stop the sacrifices to the dragon, only to have the village start sacrificing to me.
“Get up. No bowing to me. No sacrifices at all. Understand?” I was losing control of the situation. I had to wrap this up before it spiraled any further. I gestured to the head elder and his wife. “For your crimes against all the maidens sacrificed over the years, you will be coming back with us to live out your days in exile. After all, monsters belong on the mountain.”
I couldn’t mete out punishment to all of those who had perpetrated the sacrifices over the years. Many were already dead. I couldn’t even drag all the current village elders into exile; Evander didn’t have enough hands—er, talons—to hold them all. Hopefully without the head elder and his wife, the others would lose their clout in the village. At the very least, the others would be acutely aware of what could happen if they drew my attention.
Evander reached out and wrapped his claws around the head elder and his wife. Both of them screamed so shrilly, I couldn’t be sure what scream belonged to which person.
With a final nod to the villagers, I climbed back onto Evander. He roared one more time, opening his wings and giving me time to get myself safely strapped on. He also took a moment to curl his tail around the dragon statue at the top of the fountain. With a yank, he snapped it off.
I suppressed both my sigh and my smile. Apparently the dragon statue was coming home with us. I’d just have to make it clear that the statue belonged with the rest of his hoard and was not going in our bedchamber.
Then with a mighty flap of his wings, Evander launched himself into the sky, leaving the village behind.
That night, I stood at the edge of the olive grove, still dressed in the purple silk dress, though I’d handed the collar and tiara over to Evander to stow in his magical pocket. I’d much rather have his mother mad at him than at me if they turned up missing.
I took a step toward my family’s home. But before I’d gone more than a few paces in that direction, my mama rushed out the door, followed by my bapi.
“Nessa!” She moved as if to wrap me in a hug before she halted, plucking at her skirt as if she thought she should curtsy.
“I’m still me, Mama.” I hugged her. “I just married a dragon. That’s all.”
She was stiff in my hug for a moment before she gave me a tentative hug back. “I can’t believe…you ended the sacrifices. You married the dragon.”
Bapi wrapped both of us in his arms, squishing me between him and Mama.
I released a breath. They were less scared, now that they had a logical explanation for why I was still alive.
After a long moment, I extricated myself from their hug. This was going to be the tricky part. “Would you like to meet him?”
Mama’s face washed white. “No, no, we can’t look upon the dragon’s face.”
I gave her a side hug, glancing from her to Bapi. “Please. He’s my husband. He’d like to meet you. His face is covered so there’s no danger.”
As much as I wanted my parents to see the truth about Evander, now wasn’t the time to push. Slow steps, just like Evander had done for me.
Bapi met my gaze and gave a slow nod. There was something determined and especially fatherly in his gaze, along with the pain of regret. I could only guess at the guilt Bapi must have felt over those months thinking I’d been killed and knowing he’d just let them take his little girl away. Then again when he and Mama sent me back to the dragon.
I reached past Mama and gave Bapi another hug. “It’s all right, Bapi. I’m fine, and I’m happy. Very happy. Evander—that’s the dragon—he’s a good man.”
Bapi’s chin dipped in a nod as he looked away from me, blinking rapidly.
I glanced at Mama. She was wringing her hands, but she also nodded.