Even thinking that he wants nothing to do with our potential child is enough to break down the dams holding back my tears.
Kate walks back into the apartment with a pink box in hand. She passes it to me as I wipe the tears and get to my feet.
There will be plenty of time to panic once I know if I’m pregnant.
I take the box into the bathroom and set it on the counter, staring down at it. After taking several deep breaths, I unwrap the test and take it.
Three minutes later, two bright pink lines are staring back up at me.
My hand falls to my stomach as I swallow hard.
In an instant, my entire life has changed.
“Hey, little one.” I keep my voice soft, pulling up my shirt and turning to the side. There’s no bump yet, but there will be. “I’m your mama. I guess it’s going to be me and you, but don’t worry, I’m going to be the best mama in the world.”
My hand trembles as I let go of my shirt and open the door. As I head down the hall, Kate stands from her seat on the couch. She clasps her hands together, glancing between my face and the test.
I turn the test around so she can see the results. “It looks like you’re going to be an auntie.”
Kate squeals and rushes over to me, hugging me tight. “I know this probably isn’t the way you planned to have kids, but congratulations. This is amazing. I can’t wait to be Auntie Kate.”
I laugh and hug her back. “Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life?”
“All the time.” She pulls away and holds me by the shoulders. “But we should really go to the hospital and get you checked over.”
“And risk Oliver seeing me right now when I keep ignoring his calls?” I hold up the ringing phone for proof before hitting the ignore button again. “I can’t do that.”
“We could ask for Victor. He works in the emergency department too. He might not tell Oliver that you’re there if you ask him not to.”
I nod. “All right, we’ll go.”
Hopefully, once we get there, Victor will be willing to keep a secret. I can’t risk Oliver finding out about the baby and getting two rejections from him in a single day.
My heart isn’t strong enough to tolerate that. Not when I was thinking about our future together only two weeks ago.
I’m not going to let what happened between me and Oliver ruin this pregnancy for me. This little baby is never going to know a day when they aren’t the most loved person on the planet.
Eventually, I’ll tell Oliver about our child, but right now, I have to protect myself and the baby. My chest tightens just thinking about it.
None of this would hurt so much if I hadn’t fallen in love with him.
My call goes straight to voicemail for the tenth time in the last hour. As I dial Izzy’s number again, my heart slams against my ribs. She could be passed out. There could be a head injury that I didn’t notice when I assessed her.
I never should have left her alone. I should have brought her in with me.
This is my fault. If I hadn’t treated her horribly, she wouldn’t have been out there getting ready to move. She might not have passed out while she was arguing with me.
I wouldn’t be worrying about her being dead on my couch right now.
She’s not dead. This has to be payback for me ignoring her.
I sigh and tuck my phone in my pocket. There should be enough time on my lunch break to rush home and make sure that everything is fine. She’s probably going to be back in her own apartment, ignoring my instructions not to move.
Not that I can really blame her. After everything I put her through, I wouldn’t want to be trapped in my apartment either. I would want to run as far and as fast as I could.