Page 11 of Dr. Baby Daddy

Though, if she was in my bed, I doubt there would be much sleeping happening.

I stand and head to the bar to pay my tab, disappearing into the night before Izzy can notice me. It’s better if she doesn’t know that I’m here, and there’s no way I’m sticking around for another set. Not when all I can think about is taking her home.

Leaving now is for the best.



By the time I get home after my third show in a week, my entire body is aching. I still don’t know if I have a job at The Gilded Raven, but Dex said he would let me know by the end of this coming week if I was going to be offered a permanent contract.

Kate gives me a bright smile as I unlock my door. “You know everything is going to work out, right? The club is the busiest it’s been in a month, and that’s because you’ve been there performing. Dex would be stupid not to hire you.”

“I appreciate that.” I turn to face her and lean in the doorway. “I don’t know if he’s going to, though. I thought he would have made his decision after the first night.”

Kate shrugs. “Dex can be a real jerk who likes to play mind games. What I do know is that the nights you are there, I make more in tips than I do any other night.”

“That makes me feel a bit better.” My yawn almost splits my face in half. “I need a shower, and then I need to sleep for a thousand years. This feels like it’s been the longest week ever.”

“I hear that. My feet are on fire. If I have to cover one more shift at the bar alone this week, I’m going to scream. The only benefit is that I don’t have to split the tips I get with anyone else.”

“Always a benefit.” I haul my purse a little higher on my shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Can’t. I have to head to my mom’s first thing in the morning.” She gives a dramatic roll of her eyes. “There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s going to want to talk about when I’m settling down and getting married. If I’m ‘lucky’ there might be one of the men from her church there waiting for me. I might even get a proposal.”

I wince at that. “Glad that she’s your mom and not mine, then. Mine is more than happy to see me playing on Broadway instead of having kids.”

“Want to trade?” Kate shakes her head as a yawn overtakes her. “All right, that’s my cue. Have a good night and try not to worry too much about Dex calling you. I’m sure you’ve got the job.”


As soon as I’m alone in my apartment, the little energy I had left drains away. All I can think about is whether or not I’ve got the job.

Being in New York is a dream, but the cost of living here climbs higher every single day. Especially with the dresses I’ve had to buy for the club. As much as I would love to go on stage wearing my favorite distressed jeans, I can’t.

I have to get this job. Another round of bills will be coming up before I know it.

My chest constricts the more I think about the money I’m going to owe in less than a month. Even though I’m getting paid for the shows I’ve done — plus the tips people are leaving — it doesn’t mean much if the job doesn’t become permanent.

I hang up my purse before reaching to my side and unzipping the dress. The satin falls away from my skin, pooling on the floor as I head for the shower.

Within a few minutes, clouds of steam fill the room. I hop into the shower, pouring shampoo into my hands and working it through my roots.

Though the ritual of a long shower soothes my mind most days, it just doesn’t cut it today. There’s too much riding on me getting a second job to fully relax. I should have been searching for backup options.

Between rehearsals for the show and performing at The Gilded Raven, I haven’t had time.

I’m going to have to make time if I don’t get a call from Dex soon.

Though I have some money in my savings, it’s only enough to cover the bills for two months. Two months if I live on nothing but ramen and water. After that, I won’t be able to afford rent anymore, and then I would probably get kicked out.

There’s no way that I can leave New York. This is where I belong. It’s the first time that I’ve felt at peace in a long time, even with a surly neighbor.

He would probably celebrate if I left. Someone might even be able to get a smile out of him.

I wouldn’t put it past him to rent my apartment after I’m kicked out — just so he doesn’t have to be irritated by who moves in beside him next.

I’m being ridiculous and I know it. For the next few days, I need to believe that everything is going to work out. Dex said he would call me by the end of the coming week.