Page 55 of Enemy Boss

“Are you sure?” Cullen asks.

I nod my head.

“Yes,” I say. “Other than my lunch break, which I spent with you, I went to the bathroom twice and had a five minute coffee break. On each occasion, she was there when I was, and we were laughing about who was stalking who.”

“Ok,” Cullen says. “Fifty-nine names and we have managed to eliminate one. And no one jumps out at you as suspicious or someone who you don’t get along with?”

I shake my head.

“No, sorry,” I reply. “Hey, you don’t have a secret housekeeper who is madly in love with you and makes trouble for all of your girlfriends do you?”

“I’m afraid not,” Cullen laughs. “That would have made everything so much easier, wouldn’t it?”

“It sure would,” I agree. Then something comes to me. “Oh wait. I think we can eliminate Sandra from reception too. She came to see me about something, and I had headphones on, and she asked what I was listening to, and I told her what I was doing. and she could see me using a pen and paper at the time. So, if it was her, she wouldn’t have made a typed version of the notes.”

“Two down, fifty-seven to go,” Cullen says.

“Maybe the IT department can help,” I say. “If Bill Bryson is willing to let one of your guys look at the email on his computer, they might be able to work out where it was sent from. Like as in which computer if it’s one in the office.”

“It could work. Let me get onto IT and ask them if that’s possible and if so, I’ll give Bill a call and see if he’s willing to work with us,” Cullen says.

“Sounds good,” I say and then I get up. “I really must go back to work. I’ve already had a late start today.”

Cullen nods and I go out of his office and to my desk and start on my work. Most of my stuff is back in place and the space feels like mine again. I settle down and get engrossed in my work. After I have been working for almost an hour, my cellphone rings. I glance at the screen and see a local number I don’t recognize. I almost ignore the call as I generally do with numbers I don’t recognize, but with it being a local number, I decide to see who it is. I pick it up and poke at the answer option on the screen.

Chapter 40


“Hello,” I say bringing the cellphone up to my ear.

“Am I speaking to Lucy Granger?” a female voice asks.

I feel like I vaguely recognize the voice, but I can’t place it. I wonder if it’s my doctor’s office or dentist or something with them using my formal name.

“Yes,” I say.

“How are you, Lucy? This is Officer Reynolds,” the voice says.

“Oh. hi Officer,” I say. “Is everything ok?”

“Yes, nothing to worry about,” Officer Reynolds says. “I was wondering if it would be ok if I stopped by for a quick chat?”

“Yes, of course,” I say. “I’m at work but it’s fine to stop by here.” I give her the address. “I’ll let reception know I’m expecting you.”

“Ok, see you soon,” Officer Reynolds replies and ends the call.

I make a quick call down to reception as promised and of course I get asked what I’ve done to warrant a visit from the police. I don’t really want everyone here knowing my business, but I don’t want to seem like I don’t want to be friendly with people either, so I respond by laughing and saying, “wouldn’t you like to know?”.

Despite Officer Reynolds assuring me the visit is nothing to worry about, I can’t help but keep thinking about it. What could she possibly want since this morning? I didn’t know but I figured if either Cullen or I were in trouble, she probably wouldn’t warn us she was coming. I had probably missed a signature on my statement or something and she was stopping by because it would get done quicker that way than waiting for me to go back down to the station. Yeah, that’s probably it, I tell myself, but I still find it difficult to concentrate on my tasks because I keep thinking about other possibilities, none of them nice ones.

Luckily, I don’t have too long to wait before I look up and see Officer Reynolds and Officer Norman heading along the hallway towards me. They reach my desk, and we make the appropriate greetings.

“Is there somewhere private we can talk?” Officer Reynolds asks.

I think for a moment and then I stand up.

“I’ll ask Cullen if we can use his office,” I say.