Page 49 of Enemy Boss

“I’ll stay with her Officer. If she shows any symptoms of shock, I will take her to the emergency room myself,” I say.

“Ok,” Officer Reynolds says, perhaps realizing this is the best that she’s going to get right now. “We’ll arrest him and charge him. I’ll need both of you to come to the station in the morning and give official statements.”

“No problem,” I say.

Max nods her agreement.

“Bring me your landlord’s details and I’ll see if I can’t scare him into fixing that lock as well,” Officer Reynolds says.

“I will, thank you,” Max says.

At Officer Reynolds’ nod, Officer Norman pulls out a pair of handcuffs which he expertly puts on Ross and then he gets up and drags Ross to his feet.

“I am arresting you on the suspicion of assault and attempted sexual assault. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and if you can’t afford one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand?”; Officer Norman says.

Ross nods miserably.

“Yes,” he croaks out.

Officer Norman marches him towards the door.

“This isn’t over Max,” Ross says.

“Oh, I think you will very much find that it is,” I say.

He ignores me, looking at Max who won’t meet his eye.

“I’ll come back for you,” he says.

“Like hell you will,” I snap.

I start to stand up, but Officer Reynolds shakes her head.

“Please don’t make me arrest you. This one needs you right now,” she says, nodding at Max.

She’s right and being there for Max is more important to me than being some sort of macho thug. Ross won’t be bothering Max for a while at least now.

I nod my head and sit back down, and Max and I watch in silence as Officer Norman pulls Ross out of the apartment and out of sight.

“See you both tomorrow,” Officer Reynolds says, heading for the door.

“Yes. Thank you, Officer,” I say.

“Thank you,” Max echoes me.

Officer Reynolds leaves the apartment, and she takes special care to make sure the door lock catches, even shaking the door slightly to be sure it’s shut properly. The door stops rattling and the apartment goes quiet and there is just me and Max and the huge fuck up I threw between us.

“How did you know he was here?” Max says again, breaking the silence.

“I didn’t. I came to apologize to you,” I say. I shuffle closer to her and pick up her hand and hold it between both of mine. The fact she doesn’t pull her hand away from me gives me hope and I hurry to try and explain things to her and make it right. “I heard what you said to Ross. That you don’t love him you love me. I want you to know that I love you too Max. So much. And I am so, so sorry that I doubted you.”

Chapter 38


She looks at me with a pained expression on her face.

“You didn’t just doubt me. You outright accused me of sabotaging you and then lying to your face about it. Oh, and I’m pretty sure somewhere along the way you accused me of seducing you to further my plan to stab you in the back,” she says.