Page 20 of Enemy Boss

“I’m guessing you must be Max?” he says. I nod, surprised, because I have no idea who he is. “I’m Liam, Cullen’s brother. I’m the charming one.”

I laugh a little bit and then it hits me that he knew who I was. That means Cullen has talked to his brother about me. Before I can really process that delicious little piece of information, Harriet and Sam are there too.

“Well, you’re one step ahead of us,” Harriet says to Liam. “Because this one has kept this very quiet.” Now she turns to me where I’m standing blushing. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

A look passes between Harriet and me and I mentally thank her for pretending like I haven’t bent her ear a hundred times about Cullen.

“This is Cullen,” I say. “And his brother, Liam. Cullen, Liam, this is Harriet and Sam.”

Cullen smiles at Harriet and Sam and I swear Sam blushes slightly. I would be keeping a very close eye on her if it wasn’t for the fact that she is already married to the love of her life.

“So, you’re Max’s boyfriend then I take it?” Harriet says to Cullen.

“Harriet. Jeez do you have to?” I hiss. This time the look I give her is anything but appreciative, but she pretends not to notice.

“What?” she says with a grin. “How else am I meant to find things out because you clearly forgot to mention we were meeting people tonight.”

“I didn’t know they were going to be here,” I say.

I mean I hoped Cullen would be here – after all, we first met in this very club, and I had over heard him saying he was going out this Saturday – but I didn’t actually know for sure he would end up here.

“I don’t think they’re official yet,” Liam puts in. He flashes me a wide smile and winks. “Which is a good thing for me, because there’s still plenty of time for her to see that Cullen here has a stick up his ass and choose the other brother.”

“Back off Liam,” Cullen says and although his mouth is smiling, his eyes aren’t. He means it and I feel myself getting wet again at the possessiveness he shows towards me.

“Oh relax, I’m just joking,” Liam says. “Now, who fancies a shot?”

That gets Harriet squealing and Sam nodding her approval and I shrug. Why not, right?

“Now Cullen, is it ok if I get Max a drink or are you going to go all caveman about it?” Liam says.

“Save your talking for at the bar,” Cullen says with a laugh.

Liam laughs too and then he heads off for the bar and Cullen leads us to a booth style table at the side of the dance floor. He gestures for me to sit down, and I do, and I slide across and he sits beside me. Sam and Harriet slide in opposite me and when Liam comes back with the shots, Harriet squeezes down to make room for him, and I see her faint smile when his thigh brushes hers as he sits down. Interesting, I think to myself. I could see Harriet and Liam together. They would look cute together.

We all do our shots and I grimace as the heat burns my throat and spreads down inside of me. Laughing, I take a drink of my main drink – a bottle of Bud - to wash it away. The others seem to handle shots better than I do, none of them needing the chaser drink. Oh well.

Liam says something quietly in Harriet’s ear and she giggles and then turns towards him and whispers her answer back to him. Cullen engages me in a quiet but flirty conversation that I am loving. His hand ends up on my knee and slowly, it moves higher, and I have to catch my breath as his fingers brush against the lace of my panties. He teases me, lightly caressing the lace, and then moving his hand back to my knee where it comes to rest.

I can hardly think, let alone talk, but I keep up my end of the conversation and I know the others don’t suspect a thing. It makes Cullen’s touch all the more delicious when it is a little bit taboo like this. God, I want him so badly.

His hand is moving back up my inner thigh when the music changes and Sam seems to come to life. I’m ashamed to admit I kind of forgot she was there.

“Oh my God,” she squeals. “I love this song. Come on girls, let’s go and dance.”

She’s up and pushing against Harriet and she and Liam have no real choice but to move. They all get up and Liam sits back down.

“Come on Max,” Sam says.

“Leave her, she’s all loved up,” Harriet says with a giggle.

I kind of want to go along with that because right now, I can’t imagine not being here with Cullen’s hand on me and our bodies pressed together at one side. But I am not going to be that girl that ditches her friends at the first sign of some cock, and I already feel bad for forgetting Sam was here, even if she doesn’t know I did that.

“I’m coming,” I say.

“Not yet, but you will be,” Cullen whispers in my ear. “We are not done here.”

Chapter 15