Page 29 of Enemy Boss

Istand up, pour the last of the water out of the jug onto the coals, and then I straddle Cullen as the air fizzes around us. I slip him inside of me quickly before I can change my mind. He looks shocked, but good shocked and he makes no move to stop me as I begin to move up and down on his huge erection. His hands roam over my body as I move on him, long, slow strokes that fill me all of the way up and tease us both.

When Cullen can’t stand the teasing anymore, he takes my hips in his hands and begins to move me up and down on him faster. He bucks his hips beneath me, and I work with him, moving faster and faster, my hands on his shoulders. I come a second before he does and we cling to each other, our hearts pounding, our breaths ragged and our moans low and full of almost pained pleasure.

I have just climbed off Cullen when there comes a sound like a doorbell. Bing bong. Then a female voice fills the sauna room.

“Attention sauna number three,” the voice says, and horror fills me. There are cameras in here after all and now this voice is going to tell us we are dirty and disgusting and turf us out. The thought should horrify me, and it does, but I can’t deny that it also sends a shocking pulse of lust through me too. “Your time will end in approximately five minutes.”

I giggle as relief floods me again and Cullen looks at me questioningly.

“I thought there really was security cameras in here when I heard the voice. I thought we were going to get kicked out,” I admit, and Cullen laughs too.

“Are you ready to get out of here?” he says, and I nod my head.

Cullen stands up and holds a hand down to me. I take his hand and he kisses the back of mine and then helps me to my feet. We leave the sauna and go into the entrance room. I’m instantly aware of the cool air wrapping itself around me after the heat of the sauna. I snuggle quickly into my robe.

“I was going to ask you if you are brave enough for the plunge pool,” Cullen says. “But judging by how quickly you got into that robe, I’m guessing it’s a no?”

“Not a chance,” I laugh. “A warm shower is more my jam.”

When Cullen has his robe on, we leave the room and go our separate ways, me heading back to the locker room for a hot shower and Cullen heading to the plunge pool to torture himself. Before we part, we agree to meet back in reception.

I hurry back to the locker room and see that I have it almost entirely to myself. There is one other lady using the hair dryer and that’s it. There are around ten shower stalls, so I take my time and enjoy the shower. I take my braid out and wash my hair again with the complimentary shampoo and conditioner, because now I have been all sweaty it feels kind of icky.

When I’m done, I step out and wrap myself in a towel from the rack. I go back to the section of the bench where my locker is and dry off and then I slip the robe back on and go and dry my hair. The other lady has finished at the bank of hair dryers which I am pleased about because it would have felt a bit awkward sitting beside her.

I dry my hair quickly and then I redo my braid. I stay in place at the hair dryer, and I use the mirror there to watch myself apply mascara and lip gloss, the only makeup I have in my bag, and then I go back to my locker again and pull my clothes out and get dressed. When I’m fully ready, I look around for somewhere to put the towel and the robe and I see a flap in the wall marked laundry. I figure that’s the place and so I deposit the robe and towel down the chute and go out of the locker room. I make my way to reception and sit down to wait for Cullen. He isn’t far behind me, and I stand up when I see him coming. He looks fresh faced and revitalized, and I feel like that too, so I hope I look as good as he does, as radiant.

He pays the bill and then we head towards the door.

“I have a plan for lunch,” Cullen says. “Before I tell you, do you want a healthy chicken salad and a green juice, or burger, fries and a milk shake?”

“The second one,” I say without hesitation.

“Thank fuck for that,” Cullen says.

He leads me past the snack bar where presumably the chicken salad and green juice would have been served. We leave the building and go back to Cullen’s car.

“There’s a place not far from here. It’s kind of like a beach, except it’s on a river rather than the sea, but there’s sun, sand, and seclusion. I thought we could eat there?” Cullen says.

“That sounds great,” I smile.

“There’s a burger van just near the river where we can grab lunch,” he says. “And don’t worry. It’s not a health hazard or anything. In fact, their burgers are better than any I’ve had in gourmet restaurants.”

“I have nothing against street food,” I smile.

“That was delicious,” I say after I swallow the last bit of my burger. The fries are long gone but I still have my milkshake which is as good as the burger and fries were.

“I told you it was good, didn’t I?” Cullen says and I smile and nod my head.

He was right about the food, and he was right about this spot. It’s deserted, like our own private little beach and although the air doesn’t smell of salt like at the seaside, it’s as good as a proper beach. Maybe even better because a proper beach would never be this private.

“Can I ask you something?” Cullen says out of the blue. I nod my head and he carries on talking. “I wanted to ask you the first day you started working for me, but it didn’t seem appropriate then. Why do you get called Max? I’ve tried every which way to get Max from Lucy or Granger and I can’t do it.”

I laugh softly.

“You’d have been there a long time,” I say. “It’s not off Lucy or Granger. When I started kindergarten, there was another Lucy in the same class and it got confusing I guess and rather than call us Lucy One and Lucy Two, our teacher started calling us by our middle names. So, I became Max off Maxine, and the other Lucy became Anne. It stuck with me all through school and by the time I went to high school, it seemed weird being called Lucy. No one called me Lucy then or now except my mom. I only use Lucy at work because it’s easier than having to keep explaining that Max is a nickname.”

“I thought there was going to be some big embarrassing secret attached to it,” Cullen says with a twinkle in his eye.