Page 25 of Enemy Boss

“Perfect,” she says.

“Ok. Go and shower or whatever you want to do and come down when you’re ready,” I tell her. “And there’s a new toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink if you want to use it.”

I kiss her forehead and then I hurry out of the room before the tingling in my lips can push me into forgetting everything but ravishing Max. I hurry downstairs and put a pot of coffee on and then I find the hash browns and the sausages and start gently frying them. They haven’t long been in the pan when I hear the water start to run and I know Max is up and in the shower.

She times it perfectly. The coffee is ready and poured into two mugs and I’m just putting our food onto plates on the table at the end of my kitchen when Max comes in.

She is wearing last night’s dress, but all of her makeup is gone, and her hair is damp around her face. I love her looking fresh faced and natural like that. If anything, she is even more beautiful without makeup on.

“What?” she says, her hands going to her face. “Do I have toothpaste on my mouth or something?”

“No,” I say smiling and gesturing for her to sit down. She does and I sit down opposite her. “I was just thinking how beautiful you look this morning.”

Max makes a snorting noise from her nose.

“The word you’re looking for is rough,” she says.

“You don’t look even close to rough,” I tell her.

She snorts again but she doesn’t argue. Instead, she starts to work on her food, and I do the same.

“Do you have any plans for this weekend?” I ask Max after we have eaten in a comfortable silence for a while.

“Well, I didn’t,” Max says. She gives me a mischievous smile. “But now I’m thinking I might take you to the opticians see if we can get your eyes fixed.”

I laugh and shake my head.

“I had something a little bit more fun in mind,” I tell her.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” she says.

“Well, I thought we could go to the spa and get some nice relaxing massages and then spend some time in the steam room,” I say.

Max thinks for a moment and nods her head.

“That sounds perfect,” she says. “But I need to go home and change first.”

“Oh, but you look so good in that dress,” I tell her.

“I’m not sure it’s exactly spa appropriate though,” she says. That wicked grin I love to see on her face is back as she looks into my eyes and lowers her voice. “And I need to get some panties.”

Her meaning hits me – she’s not wearing any panties right now because she didn’t want to put last night’s back on – and my jaw drops. I feel my cock starting to harden and Max laughs softly at my expression. Oh, she knows exactly what she’s doing, this one.

I get off my chair, the last bit of my breakfast forgotten. I come around to Max’s side of the table. Fuck the shower. I can live with having another one. Max turns towards me as I approach her, but her smile fades, replaced by a wince of pain. I crouch down beside her, concern lining my face as I touch her shoulder.

“What is it?” I ask. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just a little bit sore down there,” she says, flushing slightly.

“I hurt you?” I say, dismay settling into my stomach like a hot brick.

“No, not at all,” Max says quickly. she cups my cheek with her hand and smiles at me. “My clit is just tender with all the overuse.”

I smile back at her.

“Well then I guess I should kiss it and make it better,” I say.

Max’s eyes don’t leave mine as she nods her head. I shift position so I am kneeling down rather than crouching and I push Max’s dress up. She lifts herself long enough for the dress to skim past her ass and then she sits back down and scoots to the edge of the chair.