Page 16 of Enemy Boss

“Come on in, make yourself at home,” he says sarcastically.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him. I need this job and I can’t afford to give him any excuses to get rid of me. Instead of rolling my eyes, I smile apologetically.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I thought you had left for the day. I’ll just leave these here.”

I indicate the papers and head towards Cullen’s desk and put them in his in tray. He grunts at me again as I turn away from his desk and before I can stop myself, I whirl back around to face him.

“You can speak to me you know. You don’t have to go all weird just because we had sex,” I say.

I know I shouldn’t have said it, but his silence is even worse than his snapping and to be honest, it’s annoying me. So, we had sex. He should know from last time I don’t expect anything more from him and he can speak to me without me thinking there’s anything in it.

“You think that’s why I’ve been quiet around you?” Cullen says, looking up and meeting my eye for the first time that day.

I nod my head, sure that my impatience is showing on my face.

“What else could it be? Nothing else has changed since yesterday,” I point out.

“Under the circumstances, I can see why you would think that. I probably would have come to the same conclusion myself. But I can assure you what we did last night in that bathroom has nothing to do with this,” he says.

I feel the heat flood my cheeks as he talks about last night, and my pussy responds to the memory, getting damp and sending a pulse of desire through my clit. I ignore the feeling, my eyes on Cullen, waiting for him to go on. When he doesn’t, I sigh.

“So, what is it then?” I ask.

For a moment, Cullen doesn’t say anything, but he does nod towards the chair opposite his and I sit down and wait for him to answer me. He must be planning on doing so, or at least saying something, or he wouldn’t have gestured for me to sit down.

“I owe you an apology,” he says. “About the report.”

“You already apologized,” I say, but he shakes his head.

“No. Last night I apologized for yelling at you over it. Tonight, I find that I must apologize for accusing you of messing it up in the first place. I have looked back over the report today and it was my mistake, not yours. I sent you the wrong figures. I’ve been off with you all day because I have been trying to work out a way to say I’m sorry,” he explains.

“It’s pretty simple really,” I say, my feeling of joy that I had been right making me braver. “Just say it.”

“Ok. I’m sorry,” Cullen says. “There. How’s that?”

I can tell by how uncomfortable he is that he isn’t someone who is used to having to apologize, at least not at work. He probably isn’t used to making mistakes and if he does, I don’t suppose many people out right ask him about his attitude to them the next day. I am well aware that I could drag this moment out, ask him what he’s sorry for, make him say it. I could lord it over him, tell him I told you so. But I don’t do either of those things. He’s still my boss and technically he didn’t even have to tell me about this, let alone apologize, but he has done the right thing, the noble thing, and I won’t throw that back in his face by being a bitch about it.

“Perfect,” I say. “Apology accepted.”

Cullen smiles at me and then his handsome face turns serious.

“Come for a drink with me. Now,” he blurts out.

I feel like it’s a question, but he words it like an order. That doesn’t mean I’m going to follow it though.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say.

“Why not?” Cullen challenges me. “Do you think after a drink you’d be unable to resist me?”

He grins and I laugh softly despite myself. I shake my head.

“It’s not that,” I say. “It’s …”

“It’s two colleagues grabbing a drink because one of them fucked up and wants to buy the other a drink. That’s it. One drink. No strings attached,” Cullen interrupts me.

When he puts it like that, I can’t think of any reason to refuse to join him and what harm can one drink really do? Even if I do find him irresistible, it’s not like I’m going to jump on him in a bar.

“Ok. One drink,” I say.