To: Charlotte Lipton
From: Elliot Dashwood
Date: Tuesday, July 29 7:36 PM
Subject: RE: Launch List
Am deeply wounded by your description of my eldest brother as “a demanding ass.”
It is way too understated.
In all future correspondence, please refer to him as either “an unreasonable dickhead,” “a power-crazed control freak,” or “an egomaniacal despot.”
My mom doesn’t call him her “Most in Charge Son” for nothing.
And I’m happy you felt like you were talking to a friend.
Sorry to text, but am in bed and is easier. Just remembered—friend from high school is elementary teacher in Plainsville. Could we contract her to meet the first intake of kids and choose a few media-friendly ones for us?
ELLIOT (10:29 PM)
Great idea. Go ahead. But tomorrow. No more working in bed.
Will do.
One more quick question.
If Max is your mom’s “Most in Charge Son” what does she call you?
Elliot (10:30 PM)
Her Most Handsome Son
Charlotte (10:30 PM)
Ha. But really.
ELLIOT (10:31 PM)
Sorry. Didn’t mean you’re not handsome. Just didn’t think your mom would choose that attribute.
ELLIOT (10:32 PM)
So you think I’m handsome?
Too tired for this minefield. Going to sleep.
ELLIOT (10:35 PM)