“Oh, that’s awesome. That’s the kind of proof you can take straight to the dean’s office.” I roll my eyes.

“Yeah, I will!”

Becca winces. Kirk winces. Nick looks at them indignantly. “What?”

Seriously. If he ever had an original thought, it would die of loneliness.

I heave a sigh. I was tempting to let him just go do it, and fail, but Becca and Kirk would probably talk him out of it. “Nick, if you go to the dean’s office and tell him you copied your test from another student, what do you think will happen?”

He thinks about this for a minute and then his face falls. “I’d... get in trouble for cheating?”


“So I’m screwed either way?”

I nod. “Yes, Nick, because you chose to party and not study.”

“Fuck!” He stamps on the floor. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I am not going home to fucking Indiana. Fuck my parents. Fuck this school,” Becca simpers some more and tries to stroke his arm. He angrily shrugs her off.

If she weren’t such a beeyotch, I’d pity her. It’s really sad watching her humiliate herself like this.

“Furthermore,” I drawl, “the professor didn’t fail you out of spite. I’m pretty sure I know why copying from that girl didn’t help. There were different versions of the test, to make it harder for cheaters to cheat.” It’s common practice for professors to do that, and I can’t really blame them. Nick is used to everything being handed to him on a platter because he’s reasonably pretty and he was born with a talent for football. Too bad that doesn’t help when it comes to academics.

I walk off. Nick is still spewing a long string of curses and threats, and his friends are still loudly agreeing with him about how it’s so totally not fair, and obviously the professor is out to get him.

Thank God I never have to deal with him again.

But... because I’m still on campus, I do have to deal with Professor Nass-face on a regular basis.

Like today. As I’m walking past the campus library, I almost run right into him.

At least I no longer feel that intense ache of yearning I used to feel every time I saw him. For a couple of months after he dumped me, I dragged myself around feeling lower than low, and every time I caught sight of him, it was like being stabbed in the heart. He’d walk by me without so much as a glance, making me feel invisible. I’d remember us in bed together, snuggled up and so close we were melting into each other. I’d remember him whispering lines of poetry in my ear, and I’d wonder what I had done so wrong that he no longer wanted me.

He stops and gives me a cold smile, running his fingers through his wavy hair. It suddenly hits me that he does that all the time. He is a very vain man.

“Hello, Ruby. Did you like your grade?” He arches one eyebrow at me.

“My bullshit grade which you deliberately made just low enough that it would look unreasonable if I complained even though we both know it was A-plus work?” I scoff.

“I do what I can.” His lip lifts up in a sneer.


He is deliberately messing with me. This is unbelievable. He is the one who broke things off between us, not the other way around. He is absolutely shitty to me every time I run into him. And now he’s pretty much openly admitting that he’s trying to sabotage me—when I have never done a damn thing to him. This guy is certifiable.

“At least you’re several IQ points smarter than your boyfriend,” he shrugs. “It would be hard for you not to be. That’s an interesting match, you and Nick.”

“This again? Kind of obsessed with Nick, aren’t you? I mean, you seem overly concerned with who I’m dating. You should learn to let things go, Professor. And don’t try to screw with me, or my grades, again, or I swear I will go the dean.” I raise my voice as I say that.

He glares at me, his head swiveling around to make sure nobody hears us. Then he leans in, and his voice has turned to a snarl.

“You can try. But I have a lot of friends in high places here, and when I complain about the crazy stalker who imagined a relationship with me and now won’t leave me alone, let’s see whose side they end up on.”

“Yes, let’s.” I glare at him and he takes a step back, surprised. He was so used to being able to intimidate me. Well, I’ve had several months, my wounds are healing, and he doesn’t have as much power over me as he used to. I honestly think if I make enough noise, yes, I might go down, but I just might be able to drag him down with me.

I’m hoping that won’t have to happen, though. I’m done with his class. I’ll never sign up for anything else that he teaches again. If I see him on campus, I can just sail right past him like he’s invisible.

Yes, the bullshit grade he gave me stings, but maybe I can take one extra class and make up for it.