We’re standing by the boat, which I rented for the afternoon using money from my tax refund that I’ve been saving for a special occasion.

Well, this is going to be a special occasion. Unless I barf again. Then it will be memorable for all the wrong reasons.

An SUV is driving into the parking lot, headed our way. It looks like a rented Uber, and I’m assuming it’s Paxton.

I can’t imagine how confused Paxton must be right now. I sent him a text with the address last night, and told him to meet me here at noon, and not ask any questions before then.

I also said, Prepare for a grand gesture.

He sent back, Grand gesture? What?

And I texted back, I said no questions!

So, of course, he texted me, What’s seven times nine, though? I really need to know. And pestered me with goofy questions for the rest of the night.

There seem to be several cars and a couple of motorcycles trailing him. That’s definitely Paxton, then, being followed by the paparazzi. Sometimes they’re just impossible to ditch.

I’m fluttering with nerves. Rowan has told me a million times that Paxton is clearly madly in love with me, but... what if he’s just had it with me? What if he came to politely tell me goodbye? Also, what if the paparazzi get to record that moment and my grand gesture goes down as the most embarrassing fail in history?

No, I’m being ridiculous. I am the queen of second-guessing myself, especially when it comes to romance. I mean, I have made a questionable choice or two in that department.

The SUV parks, and Paxton scrambles out and makes his way towards us. I forgot to tell him to dress for a fishing trip. He’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt and sandals. I should have told him to wear deck shoes.

“Well, here goes nothing,” Captain Santiago says as Paxton draws near. Paparazzi have leaped out of their cars and are hurrying after him.

I give him a look of amusement. “I appreciate your confidence.”

“Sorry about the paparazzi,” Paxton says when he reaches us. “The driver tried to ditch them, but they were like burrs on my ass. Also, why are we here, of all the places in the world? Hi, Captain Santiago. Good to see you.”

The captain gives him a mock solute. “It was her idea,” he informs Paxton. “I’m responsible for nothing. I advised against it.”

“Well, the big surprise is... we’re going out fishing today, because you love to fish, and... I took Dramamine.” I spread my arms out in a dramatic flourish.

Paxton doesn’t look as impressed as I hoped. He just looks worried.

“Hey, why do you look like the captain of the Titanic spotting the iceberg? I’ll be fine.” I protest.

Paxton smiles at me. He takes my hand in his. “Ruby, I love that you did this. Why don’t I take you out to lunch somewhere, far away from the water? Like a hundred miles inland?”

“Nope,” I say stubbornly. “This is our first real date as a real couple.” I glance over at the paparazzi, who are almost on top of us. “Damn it,” I mutter.

“Alternative idea. How about we go on the boat... and don’t leave the harbor?” Paxton suggests.

“Oh, thank God,” Captain Santiago says.

“Hey. I need your help.” Paxton pulls out his wallet and hands the captain a stack of bills.

“She already paid me,” he says, looking longingly at the hundred-dollar bills in his hand.

Paxton nods. “This is your tip. All I want you to do is stand here and keep the paparazzi at bay.”

“I can do that.” The captain brightens.

“Paxton! Are you going to propose to her?” a guy yells.

“Yeah, Paxton, make an honest woman out of her! And let us get a picture of it!” another guy shouts.

“An honest woman?” I laugh as Paxton gives the paparazzi a practiced, friendly wave. “What century are we in? Also, that ship has sailed. Ha ha, I just made a boat pun without even planning it.”