“She sure is,” Paxton nods. “Summer and I are buddies.” He holds up his hand and high-fives her, and all of the other kids gasp.

“Could... could I get a high five?” a little boy asks tremulously.

“Absolutely. Any friend of Summer is a friend of mine.”

So all the kids line up, and as we make our way over to Summer’s table, with Dominique following, Paxton high-fives everyone.

“Actually, Paxton very unfortunately has somewhere to be,” I tell Dominique. “He has a very important appointment this afternoon, so he has to get going immediately.”

“I do?” Paxton asks quizzically.

“Are you and Ruby getting married?” a little boy yells.

“Well, she is very, very special,” Paxton neatly parries the question.

I raise my voice to be heard. “Anyway, yes, my wonderful boyfriend was just about to write a check because he wants to make a donation to your organization, and then he was just going to run along.”

“Oh, but the kids are so excited!” Dominique looks sad.

“Yes, Ruby, the kids are so excited,” Paxton widens his eyes at me.

I smile at him as I plan his brutal murder. “I’m mentally writing your eulogy,” I say in a low voice.

“Make sure you say something about my hair.”

“Hey, can hockey stars play basketball?” a boy named Martin Hernandez asks him.

“There’s only one way to find out. And I’m willing to give it a shot. Give me just a minute there, bud.” Paxton has already pulled out his checkbook and is writing a check. It has a lot of zeros on it. Dominique gasps aloud.

He hands it to her, and she actually hugs him and then steps back, beaming. “You just bought us new outdoor playground equipment! You come back here anytime you like.”

“Hear that, Ruby?” Paxton says to me, raising an eyebrow. “It’s always so nice to be wanted and appreciated.”

Dominique glances at Martin. “Now, Martin, you have some math to work on, don’t you? Paxton could stay and play basketball with you after your homework is done,” Dominique says. “If that’s all right with you,” she adds to Paxton.

“It’s better than all right. I can’t wait!” He flashes his charming grin at her again and she giggles. Actually giggles.

“I’ll do it, I’ll do it!” Martin races off to another table and sits down.

Paxton flashes me a smile of triumph. The man just loves to see me squirm.

We return to Summer’s desk so we can start on her homework. I sit down next to Summer, and Paxton sits on a chair much too small for him, then reaches up and plays with my hair.

“Doesn’t she have the most beautiful hair?” He smiles.

“It’s pretty nice,” Summer acknowledges.

I smile back so hard it hurts my face.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

“So, before I start my homework, I have some questions,” Summer announces. “When is the wedding date?”

“The . . . uh . . .” Paxton trails off, momentarily thrown off his game.

A small crowd of children and several staff members have gathered around.

“Yes. The wedding date. Simple question.” She glares at him. “Are your intentions honorable? I learned that from Romeo and Juliet.”