Paxton and I look at each other.

“Is she really, though?” I ask him.

He grins, holds his hand parallel to the ground, and tilts it slightly in a maybe gesture.

“I’m Gen Z, aren’t I, babe?” Rowan demands of her husband. He nods his head. “Of course you are!”

I grin at Paxton. “Says the man who wants to get some nookie tonight.”

“Go easy on him. He hasn’t had his Geritol yet,” Paxton says.

“Maybe he didn’t have his hearing aid in when she asked him that question.” I smile sweetly.

Suddenly we’re on the same team, Paxton and I, and it actually feels really good. I don’t let a lot of people in. I love Clair and Kennedy, but I don’t really open up to them completely.

Losing first one parent, then another, within such a short time, stunned me and left me angry and short on trust. I felt like the universe was out to get me, like if I loved anyone, I’d be punished by losing them. My sister became my mother, and she had to give up a lot for me, so guilt piled on top of my grief.

I look fine on the outside, because I don’t let anyone in to see the scars.

But there’s something about Paxton right now that makes me feel like he’d protect me from anything.

He let me down before, though. Why am I thinking like this?

I shake my head. I’m just going to let myself relax and enjoy life for one night.

Suddenly the song “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred comes on.

“Our song!” Rowan squeals, and she grabs me by the arm to drag me onto the dance floor.

Okay, fine, even if I’m not a club girl, I do like to dance if it’s the right song. As we move our bodies to the music, all my stress falls away from me and we bounce happily to the ridiculous lyrics.

A hand grasps my shoulder, and I’m about to spin around and hit someone when I realize it’s Paxton. Mason and Paxton have joined us on the dance floor, and it’s a good thing, because single guys are starting to move in on us, and I’m not in the mood. Can’t a girl just go out and dance by herself? A woman dancing without a man generally does not want to be hit on. She just wants to dance.

However, for now I do have a man. He’s big, he’s brawny, he’s one foot away from me and focused on me like I’m the sun and he’s the earth turning his face towards me. The guys who were dancing their way over to me take one look at him and melt back into the crowd.

Paxton is a surprisingly good dancer, and we fall into a rhythm immediately.

I glance over at Mason and Rowan from time to time, but for the next several songs, my attention is mostly focused on Paxton.

I’m starting to feel the alcohol, and it’s making me warm and loose.

Then the next song comes on. It’s “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak. It’s only the sexiest song ever.

I try to back away, ready to flee the dance floor, but Paxton grabs me by the hips and suddenly we are doing a very slow, sensual tango.

Paxton is leading this duet with complete confidence. I follow every move he makes. It’s like we’ve been training for a dance competition for months, the two of us in perfect harmony.

He’s only inches away. My body pulses with awareness. I accidentally brush up against him a few times, and he’s rock hard and yes, I believe him when he says his cock is longer than 7.5 inches.

Ouch. Hurt me so good.

I’ve always found him physically attractive, if I’m being honest with myself.

I just didn’t let myself think of him that way because I don’t as a general rule trust jocks, and because he’s on the same team as my sister’s husband, which would be like dating someone from work, and also he never specifically came on to me.

I mean, I think he didn’t.

When we were hanging out as friends, there were times he’d accidentally brush up against me, and maybe it wasn’t accidental. And I thought that he was looking at me a certain way back then, but I couldn’t be sure.