Exactly why I wouldn’t tell Kennedy even if I knew.

I gave her a serious look. “Some secrets are meant to be taken to the grave.”

“Now, if it were Mason, we wouldn’t have to ask, what with all those underwear ads that leave nothing to the imagination,” Clair adds. She leans back to admire the little braids now lacing around Kennedy’s head, then nods in satisfaction.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. Please don’t stare at my sister’s boyfriend’s schlong. It’s just weird,” I groan.

“Stare at it? I bought the underwear catalog,” Clair smirks. “Twenty bucks. Worth every penny.” It’s a catalog full of hot sports studs wearing the very expensive underwear that Mason endorses. Sells out as soon as it’s released twice a year.

“You did not,” I cry out, appalled. “What about your boyfriend?”

“What?” Clair blinks at me and smiles. “It’s a catalog. I can look, but not touch. That’s the rule.”

“Swear ta gahd...” I mutter under my breath. “You’re a pervert.”

There’s a knock on the door and I glance at it suspiciously. The last time an unknown person pounded on my door, I ended up in the back of a smelly police car.

Kennedy leaps to her feet. I can see from the look on her face that she’s thinking the same thing I am. “I’m not going back to the big house again,” she pronounces dramatically. “It changes a woman. They’ll never take me alive.”

“Technically, they didn’t arrest us,” Clair points out.

“I know, rude, right? Like I’m not even dangerous enough to arrest. How dare they.” Kennedy walks over and yanks the door open.

Paxton is standing there, wearing a gray suit and a blue striped tie, looking like a million bucks.

He grins at Kennedy and Clair as he walks in. “Hello, ladies!”

And they both melt into puddles.

“What are you doing here? I just told Rowan I’m going out with my friends!” I protest. Also, it’s only been a couple of days since our last date, and we’re not supposed to see each other for another five days, so what gives? But I can’t say that in front of my friends.

He smiles ruefully at them. “Sorry, ladies. I haven’t seen Ruby in a couple of days, and Mason told me his wife is dying to see Ruby and me together in person, so I’m here to kidnap her.”

“Oh, that’s so romantic,” Kennedy trills.

I give Pax a pained smile. “So romantic,” I echo.

“Kidnap fantasy.” Clair sings.

Pax gives her an inquisitive look. “You’re the handcuffs girl,” he says.

“He’s heard of me,” Clair squeals delightedly.

“Clair and her boyfriend are big into role play,” Kennedy explains to Pax. “They have costumes.”

“We all know way too much about each other,” I inform her. “I think we don’t need to be quite this close.”

“Speaking of which...” Kennedy pulls a pencil out of her pocketbook and holds it up. “Talk, woman!”

I glare at her. “Let. It. Go.”

Pax’s gaze is swiveling between her and me. “Let what go?”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” I say in exasperation. “Okay. You really want to know? Kennedy has asked me if your male member is longer than that pencil. Standard pencil length is apparently 7.5 inches, and she wants to know how you measure up. Also, I am in the market for new friends, if you know any.”

Pax throws his head back and laughs, a rich, warm sound that washes over me and warms me too.

Kennedy doesn’t look the least bit embarrassed. “Well?” she says to Pax.