“I know what you were going to say. You’re bad at covering up your swears,” the girl says smugly. She looks at me appraisingly. “You’re very tall.”

I nod. “I am. Kids used to give me a hard time about it in school.”

The girl scrunches her face in sympathy. “Did they? You should have punched them in the nuts.”

“Summer. We do not punch people we’re mad at.” Ruby shakes her head reprovingly.

“No, you don’t punch people you’re mad at,” Summer corrects her. “Is this your boyfriend? I heard on the news you have a boyfriend.”

“Uh . . . sure is,” Ruby says brightly.

The woman pats Summer on the shoulder. “We’ll see you back at the center at five p.m.” And she leaves.

Summer looks me up and down appraisingly. She reaches up and pokes me in the shoulder. She walks around me in a complete circle.

“I like him,” she finally declares. “Much better than the other one.”

Ruby bursts into laughter.

“The other one?” I say to Ruby.

“Summer was with me at the park when we ran into Nick and company.” Ruby makes a face. “He didn’t make a great impression.”

“Eww,” Summer adds.

I like this kid.

She’s very, very smart. Smarter than Ruby, apparently.

Vincenzio hurries over to us and hands me a paper bag from which heavenly food smells drift. “Thank you, my friend,” I say, which practically makes him levitate with joy.

I glance over at Ruby. “You two have fun. If she ever wants a ticket to any of our games, let me know.”

I stroll out of the diner with my burger and fries. And my smile fades.

Mason’s words from earlier come back to me. This is a fun game, sure, but in the end I have to make sure that Mason and Rowan and I still stay friends. They’re my family away from home, and if I ruin that relationship, this has all been for nothing.



A few days ago, I met Paxton at his apartment. We flipped a coin to see who got to decide the first date, and I won. Then I did an obnoxious victory dance, and I didn’t stop until Paxton threatened to film me and create a social media account called Jaul, combining our last names, and post the video.

The threat was so horrifying that I stopped dancing immediately.

This evening, Pax sends his limo to pick me up. I’m wearing a puffy peasant blouse and a dirndl skirt, and he’s wearing a linen summer suit with a blue Oxford shirt.

“A comedy show?” Pax says, as I wave two tickets in front of his face. “That’s your idea of a punishment date? Oh, however will I bear it? What next? You’re going to take me to a massage parlor staffed by Playboy bunnies?”

“Would you enjoy that, Pax?” I scoff. “Is that your idea of a dream date?”

He widens his eyes comically. “Nooo, it would be absolute torture. Please do not take me to the Playboy bunny massage parlor. I, uh, I have a fear of rabbit ears. And Playboy. And bunnies. It’s an absolute phobia, actually. It would be the worst night ever.” He shakes his head at me, his mouth quirking in a half smile. “My point is, I thought you were actually going to get creative with the evil date thing. I thought I was going to play against a decent opponent. Turns out I’m facing off against the mini mite team.”

I have a feeling that was a hockey insult I should understand. I’ll have to look it up later.

I smile sweetly at him. Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth. “Please keep underestimating me.”

He holds the limo door open for me, and I slide in.