I wince.

Okay, he has the right to be pissed, and I don’t really have the right to be defensive.

I should probably tell him the truth, but the more people that know about it, the more chance there is that somebody will say something and somebody will overhear, and the next thing you know, Ruby’s in handcuffs.

As pissed as I am at her, I don’t want to see her kicked out of college and I don’t want to see her go down for something she didn’t do. I do have a general sense of fairness. I absolutely believe that she didn’t do it and that Nick-head Fuckface tried to frame her, and I’ll be damned if I let that happen.

I’m just going to have to keep this between me and Ruby.

“You’re right. The interviewer kind of backed me into a corner, and I wasn’t thinking and I just blurted it out.” I’m not helping my cause here. He glares at me. “I know how that sounds. Look, it’s a developing relationship, all right? Ruby and I have kind of had a thing going for a little while, even before the burglary, and it’s progressing. We weren’t ready to talk about it because it was all brand new. Have you known how your relationships would go, and where you would end up, every time you started dating someone?”

Mason stares at me. “No, but I also haven’t announced that I was in love on national television when I’d just started dating someone. If you guys really even are dating.”

I nod in agreement. “Yes. That was stupid and impulsive of me, and I made a mistake, and I am sorry, but I’m also not going to keep apologizing for it. I will be more careful going forward. Listen, I hope you know me well enough to know that I would never do anything to deliberately hurt her.”

Deliberately hurt her—no. Irritate her and drive her crazy—absolutely.

“My wife is going to interrogate you like the cartel grills a suspected snitch. Do not lie to my wife, and do not mess with her sister’s head,” Mason warns me.

“I would never,” I assure him. “Your wife scares me.”

We stand up and make our way out of the room. Mason shakes his head. “I really don’t think you know what you’re doing, but what’s done is done.”

Ruby is sitting at the counter at the Whistling Pig when I stroll through the door.

“Fancy meeting you here,” I grin at her. “It’s like the universe just wants us to be together.”

She narrows her eyes at me, and then glances around to see if anyone’s close enough to overhear. Fortunately, no one is. “You sent me a text ordering me to meet you at ‘our diner.’”

She holds up her hands and makes finger quotes as she says it.

“Aha,” I say in triumph.

“Your words, not mine. It is not our diner. That is a couple thing, which we are not. We are two singles,” Ruby says with annoyance. “And I have someone meeting me here in ten minutes, so talk fast and then go away.”

“Who?” My voice sharpens and I realize I sound jealous.

“I’m mentoring a kid. She’s going to be here in a few minutes.”

“You’re mentoring a kid? No way. Try not to warp her for life and make her hate all men.”

“Absolutely not. Just the men who deserve to be hated.” Ruby stares at me, her blue eyes icy. “Anyway. Why are we here? It’s not our punishment night—I mean, date night.”

We’re here because I just like being around her. We’re here because I enjoy messing with her, maybe a little too much.

“Because I missed you so much. Also, I think we need to hammer out a few more details of this arrangement.”

“Paxton Saul!” Vincenzio, the owner of the Whistling Pig, bustles over to our table. He’s a short, rotund Italian man with a big mustache, wearing a white apron and grinning from ear to ear. “So, this is your diner now?” He sounds so delighted. I flash a look of triumph at Ruby.

“Of course it is,” I say to him.

“What’s your order? I’m cooking it myself.”

“Actually, I’m heading out, but she’s staying. Whatever she buys is on me. And the same for her guests.” I pull out my wallet and hand him a hundred-dollar bill.

“I’ll make you a burger and fries to go. You’ve got to keep your strength up. And you, miss?”

She smiles at him. “I’ll have a coffee for now, and I’ll order when my friend shows up.”