Page 64 of Angel's Whisper

“Fine,” Alessandro hummed. “But what if I were more planful if we were more planful?”

Gabe gave his brother’s words some thought. “You would have to be willing to listen to what I say, the afraid precautions I throw out there.”

“I’ll listen, little brother,” Alessandro smiled. “But we must carry it out,” he insisted. “We must carry it all the way out.”

“We will.” Gabe smiled, too. “We will.”

It had been a long day for Massimo. When he arrived home, he didn’t expect his wife to greet him at the door. He knew not to expect that. Rosa was there, however, and she greeted him pleasantly.

“Shall I fix you some dinner?” Rosa asked as she helped Mr. Ricci remove his jacket.

“Maybe later,” Massimo replied. “How’s she doing?”

“Well, she relocated,” Rosa reported as she opened the hallway closet door and opened it to hang up his jacket.

“Where is she?” Massimo asked, curious as to whether or not she felt well enough to relocate.

“She was getting tired of being in the bedroom, so she relocated to the theatre room with my assistance,” Rosa added.

“And she’s feeling better?” Massimo asked again.

“Not sure,” Rosa replied, “but I’m sure she would be glad to see you.”

She watched as Massimo moved in the direction where he could find his wife.

Massimo’s eyes adjusted to the low light of the theatre shortly after he entered. Once they fully adjusted, he saw Isotta in the flashes of light from the movie she was watching. He tried to discern from a distance whether she was awake or asleep. Massimo took a few steps forward on the thickly carpeted floor, but trying to determine if she was awake was still difficult. If she weren’t, he would retreat and take Rosa up on her offer of dinner. But then, she moved, readjusting herself, so he felt comfortable that she was awake.

“Hey there,” he uttered as he sat down next to Isotta.

“Hey,” she replied, surprised to see him there.

“So, what are you watching?” He asked, getting comfortable in the chair.

“I think the movie was starting to watch me,” she chuckled lightly. “But it’s a good movie, so I was fighting against falling asleep.”

Massimo tried to get into the movie as Isotta’s attention returned to it, but he was distracted.

“How do you feel?” He sounded concerned.

“Some better,” Isotta replied. “Getting close to being back to my old self.”

“That’s good to hear,” Massimo replied. “I miss your old self.”

“Really?” She asked, absolutely surprised by what he said.

“Sure,” Massimo answered. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know,” Isotta confessed. “I’m just surprised to hear you say that.”

“Don’t be surprised. I miss the old you, the old you that could properly greet me when I got home.”

Then, Isotta understood what her husband meant. Sure, it had been a few weeks since they’d been intimate, but Isotta really thought Massimo understood why. She started to get the feeling that he didn’t fully understand. Even if he did, his patience for her illness was running out. Isotta felt a certain level of sadness and disappointment. She felt even more when she saw, out of the corner of her eye, Massimo disengaging his belt and unzipping his pants.

He knew she was watching, but there was a part of Massimo that didn’t care. He had needs that hadn’t been met in far too long. He wasn’t willing to wait any longer. She would understand, or she wouldn’t. The more he thought about her being forced to watch, forced to participate, the hornier Massimo got.

Massimo parted his legs slightly. Moving his hands from his chest to his waist, he then allowed one hand to find his manhood. Keeping his eyes on the prize, Massimo began stroking his flaccid pole, bringing it to life. He positioned his free hand behind his head and moistened his lips with a flicker of his tongue. Isotta’s eyes fell from Massimo’s face to his growing wood. She didn’t know what he expected from her. Isotta didn’t know what to do, whether she was supposed to watch or participate. She didn’t have the stomach for either.

Massimo was intense. Isotta drank in every inch of him as he soothed himself for his own satisfaction. The rest of the room ceased to exist. Isotta could only see Massimo, no matter how much she tried to avoid it. There was a part of Isotta that felt like she owed him at least the occasional look. He’d stood up for her against her family. He hadn’t pressured her for sex the entire time she’d been unwell. His manhood stood erect, all nine swollen inches of it. Isotta placed a hand over her mouth to hide the fact that it was wide open, seeing him pleasure himself. She’d never seen it before.