Isotta closed her eyes and felt the energy of his kiss. “Be safe, and I’ll see you when you return.”
Isotta watched as Massimo pivoted on his heels, picked up his briefcase, and headed out of the door. When the door closed, Isotta spun on her heels in a full circle, her cheeks arming and a smile ebbing. She was happy. For the first time in the longest time, Isotta was genuinely happy. She felt that she and Massimo had made an incredible connection on their weekend excursion. They’d had fun, were silly together, they laughed and laughed. And they connected, more than on a physical level. They connected like friends. They bonded over what made each of them happy and what made each of them sad, especially her.
Isotta wouldn’t dwell on what tormented her heart. She continued to long for her sister. She wondered if she was well. Isotta would hold a good thought for Valentina. For the moment, that’s all she could do.
Massimo placed a call to Giuseppe as he drove.
“Where are you?” Massimo inquired.
“Headed to the office,” Giuseppe replied.
“And you met with Ricardo?”
“I did,” Giuseppe answered. “And I learned something very important.”
“What?” Massimo asked, intrigued.
“I’ll tell you and Father once we are all at the office.”
“I’ll be there shortly,” Massimo agreed.
He increased his speed. Massimo could tell by the way his brother sounded that there was something going on. He had to find out what it was.
By the time he arrived, Giuseppe was arriving, too.
“So, what’s the news?” Massimo asked as the two brothers got on the elevator together to ride to the penthouse level where their offices were. They were only in the car. Massimo entered the special code that would lead them to the top of their office building.
“I’ll tell you just as soon as we reach Father.”
“Not even a hint?” Massimo asked.
“Not even one.”
Massimo chuckled as the elevator car started to lift. It moved at super speed to take them to the top of the building, with no stops in between. Massimo would just have to wait, although he would like to have a heads-up. When the duo stepped off the elevator, they made their way to their father’s office. When they arrived, they didn’t wait for the secretary to announce them. Giuseppe rapped on the door.
“Enter,” Giordano spoke.
The two brothers entered the room, and Giuseppe closed the door. They crossed the room and took the two seats in front of their father’s desk, where he sat.
“I understand there’s something you want to share with us, Giuseppe,” Giordano began.
“Definitely,” Giuseppe replied. “When I met with Ricardo, you know the employee that ended up in the hospital?” He directed his questions to Massimo.
“We are both familiar,” Massimo answered.
“I asked him point blank who put him up to sabotaging our system.”
“And he told you?” Giordano asked.
“He did,” Giuseppe answered. “Under threat of death.”
“Additional death,” Massimo commented.
“Right,” Giuseppe nodded.
“And?” Giordano asked. “Who did he say it was? Who put him up to infiltrating our system?”
Giuseppe nodded his head. “It was the Esposito’s.”