Page 54 of Angel's Whisper

Isotta didn’t hesitate to raise both her hands and display all her fingers despite the IV that was in one of her hands.

“Excellent,” the doctor replied. “Now we need to run some additional tests, so we are going to admit you.”

“Thank you,” Isotta uttered as they rolled her away.

Dr. Accardi pulled off his scrub hat as he made his way to the emergency room waiting area. Rosa noticed him first, but she was reluctant to move. She didn’t want to be disappointed if it wasn’t news about Isotta. But then, the doctor called out for Mr. Ricci. She and Massimo immediately responded, standing up and making their way in his direction.

“My wife,” Massimo uttered, “is she okay?”

“Your wife is stable,” Dr. Accardi advised. Rosa breathed an audible sigh of relief, making the sign of the cross and kissing her hand up to the heavens. The doctor continued.

“We will have to keep her for additional testing, which we can speak more about later. For right now, Mrs. Ricci is being admitted.”

“Admitted? Why?” Massimo could barely wrap his head around what the doctor said.

“Yes, Mr. Ricci. We want to run some additional tests on your wife to solidify what we suspect is the diagnosis,” the doctor explained. “But as I indicated, we can speak more specifically about that later. In a few minutes, you will be able to visit her. We’ve given your wife something for the pain that temporarily put her to sleep. Hopefully, it won’t be long before she wakes up, but you don’t need her awake to see her. You just need to know that she’s okay. She is stable,” the doctor said, again trying to be reassuring. He could see the worry etched on each of their faces. She’ll be on the fourth floor in room 449. Feel free to wait in the waiting area on that floor.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Massimo advised as he started toward the elevator.

“Thank you very much,” Rosa said, following behind him.

They made their way to the elevator. Masimo waited impatiently for the car to arrive. He rocked back and forth on his feet and kept his eyes peeled on the numbers as they slowly ticked down. The only time he took his eyes off the numbers was when he considered taking the stairs. Maybe the stairs would be quicker?” Rosa was a bit more patient. Her prayers to the Holy Mary had already been answered. Isotta was okay. They would test her, but for now, she was okay and alive. That’s all Rosa could ask for. The rest would come in time. When the elevator car arrived, Massimo didn’t wait until those who were in the car made their exit. He made his way through the small crowd and boarded. He looked at Rosa impatiently as well, ushering her on with his eyes. He had to see about his wife.

The elevator car started its ascent but then stopped on the third floor.

“This is ridiculous,” Massimo uttered, pushing his way past those who stood in his way and exiting the car. He rounded the corner and took the stairs, two at a time. Rosa remained in the car and rode it the rest of the way. By the time the car door opened on the fourth floor, Rosa stepped out. She saw Massimo was already at the nurse's desk. She didn’t bother to follow him; instead, she found her way into the waiting room.

“I need to know when I can see my wife,” Massimo explained to the nurse at the desk.

“Mrs. Ricci is being admitted,” the nurse explained. “It will be about fifteen minutes before she can have visitors.”

“But I’m not a visitor,” Massimo countered. “I’m her husband.”

“I understand, Mr. Ricci,” the nurse replied. “It will be just a few minutes.”

Massimo wanted to say more, to demand that he see his wife immediately. But he realized there was nothing the nurse could do to speed up the process. He’d just have to wait. Massimo hated waiting.

He made his way to the waiting room, which was empty, with the exception of Rosa. Massimo didn’t sit but rather leaned on the wall instead. He looked contemplative.

“Mr. Ricci?” Rosa asked.

“I was just thinking about calling her parents to let them know she’s in the hospital.”

“You could,” Rosa replied, “or you can make sure she’s okay, speak with the doctor, and when you have more information, then call.”

Massimo thought about what Rosa had said. “Yeah, that sounds like a better idea.”

He made his way over to the window. It was killing him to have to wait and see. So many things ran through his mind. What if he lost her? Fortunately, he had not, but what if he still could? A part of his inheritance, his ascension, was tied to him being married. If something happened to Isotta? Or, what if she had a debilitating condition and would never be the same again? What if? Massimo tried to dismiss the horrific thoughts from his mind. He tried to push into his subconscious a more positive slant on things, but he found that incredibly difficult. He hated hospitals. He hated everything they represented.

“Sir? Ma’am?” The nurse interrupted both of their thoughts.

“Yes?” Massimo replied, spinning on his heels.

“You can visit Mrs. Ricci now.”

Massimo didn’t have to hear her again. He made his move and walked out of the waiting room, headed for his wife’s room. Rosa took a little longer to respond, but she followed him down the hallway. When Massimo arrived at Isotta’s door, he hesitated. He paused.

Rosa thought about asking him if he was okay, but she decided not to. She knew it might take a moment for him to pull himself together enough to go in. So, she waited with him without hurrying him. Massimo took in a huge inhale and then let it out slowly. He could feel his heartbeat escalating, and he tried to calm it down before entering. He tried to push away the horrid thoughts that he had earlier, the incomprehensible things he thought about. He had to let them go before going into Isotta’s room. Massimo breathed in again, a little shallower. And when he blew his breath out, he entered slowly.