I make sure my next words to Marco are felt with the force I intend. Slowly and with relish I say, “You’re going to kill him.”
At my words there are cries of, “What the fuck?” and, “You can’t do this,” and, “I did what you asked,” while the men beside him hold him back.
“Shut the fuck up,” Salvatore barks at him.
“But why?” Is all he gets out before he’s forcefully quieted by choke hold, that leaves him gasping for breath.
Salvatore chuckles and looks at Nico. “Even you should be able to figure this one out. Tell me, mongrel, why will I kill Marco Romano?”
Nico looks worse for wear. He’s applying pressure to the gunshot wounds, clamping his hands around his leg. His voice wavers as he attempts to keep the obvious discomfort from his voice when he answers Salvatore. “Because he’s disloyal.”
Marco’s body falls to the ground milliseconds after the gunshot rings out. It happens so quickly, I barely register who shot him until I see the guard to his left adjusting the drape of his suit as he returns his piece to his hip holster.
I feel conflicted as I stare at Marco’s corpse. He deserved to die, but a part of me mourns for Benedict. Now he’s lost his father twice, and it breaks my heart. I look at Nico and see the same turmoil reflected in his eyes.
Salvatore returns to stand in front of me and hooks my chin with his bony finger.
“I’d be a fool to ignore the valuable information you’ve provided me. It seems I need you alive far more than I need you dead.” He looks lost in thought for a moment, and I almost miss it when he whispers. “You have your mother’s eyes.” Breaking my gaze, he issues instructions. “Lock them up downstairs for the time being.” He’s already storming out of the office as he hollers back, “And clean up my office before my son arrives.”
We’re thrown into a room in the basement, the door locked behind us. I scramble over to Nico and get to work assessing his injuries.
“I’m fine, stop fussing,” he grouses, trying to push me away from him.
“Sit your ass down on the floor, back against the wall. Now.” I can’t hold back the growl that escapes me. I need to know how bad his injury is.
He makes noises that imply I’m overreacting, but I don’t give a shit. If we get even the slightest opportunity to get out of here in one piece, then I need him conscious and mobile.
With his good leg extended and the other bent up, being used as an armrest, he stares at me. “Get to work then.”
I laugh at him as I check the gunshot wound. “It’s a through and through.”
“Coulda’ told you that.”
“Wind your neck in, Nico.” I can’t help falling into a snarky banter with him. His natural abrasiveness familiar and calming.
“Make me, phoenix.” Rolling his head back against the wall, he smiles as playfully as he can given his grey pallor and glistening brow.
I can’t help but smile back at him, which feels wrong given the dire situation we’re in. He swears profusely as I poke and prod the area around the wound. “Fuck are you doing, woman?”
“Checking the bullet didn’t clip anything vital on its way through. You’re clotting, but we need to get you out of here and to Doc Em.”
“Doubt that’s gonna happen, phoenix.” His tone is solemn, almost accepting of his fate, and I feel my heart breaking at the thought of losing him. It’s a new type of pain, one that lances at my soul. Salvatore will probably kill him, and it looks like me and my smart mouth have bought me a one-way ticket back to my marital bed.
That’s not happening. I can’t go back. I won’t.
Sweat beads along my spine as my heart rate picks up, thundering in my chest. I’d rather die than be at Max’s mercy again.
Forcing myself to calm down, I take a deep breath and push all thought of Max from my mind and focus on Nico. My pulse steadies as I take him in. I start removing my belt and he chuckles, pulling me into him. “Odd timing, but I’m not going to say no.”
I plant two hands firmly on his chest and push myself away from him. “It’s for the tourniquet you, prick.”
Leaning forward, he steals a tender kiss and then releases me. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
“I can’t.” I smile not knowing what else to say. I thread the belt under his thigh, tugging hard to tighten it.
“Argh. Fuck me, you’re ruthless, phoenix.” His breath is coming in short, strangled gasps and he looks to the ceiling as if to centre his focus.