Her death destroyed what little family I had. I need to close this chapter of my life. Fourteen years is too fucking long to chase a ghost.
My feet pound the sidewalk as my breath puffs out thick clouds of mist into the frigid night air. The air tastes fresh, almost crisp, with every ragged heave I make. My headphones blare out a monotonous playlist chosen based on its tempo. I could be listening to K-pop for all I know, as long as it matches my stride and drowns out my thoughts, I couldn’t give a fuck.
The thud, thud, thud of my soles sends jolts up my calves, my joints are screaming at me for the punishing pace I’m setting. Running used to calm my thoughts, but nothing works these days. I’ve run this circuit far more times than I planned and it’s getting late—I need to head back to the house.
Slowing my pace, I bounce on my toes before coming to a stop. Reaching down, I stretch out my hamstrings while the sweat I’ve built up rolls off my forehead onto the asphalt below. I need a shower. Fuck. I need to rest. I can’t keep this up. Either I’m awake all day and exercising all night, or I’m feeding my newly gained unhealthy addiction to bingeing tv shows.
I blame Aurora entirely.
I’ve not slept well for years. My mind is always a buzz with thoughts and what-ifs, trying to anticipate any scenario that may impact me or one of my team.
While she was recovering, I’d been getting some decent sleep, often passing out on the sofa in her room to her latest favourite show. She was feeling better, so she didn’t need to be monitored constantly anymore. It would be weird to hang out just to sleep near her.
Aurora doesn’t need to deal with some fucked-up old man taking advantage of her and using her as some kind of security blanket or sleep aid.
So, I do anything I can to push myself to the point of exhaustion where sleep finally takes me. All night I run, I hit the weights, or I follow Nico’s insane conditioning circuits. If I keep this up, I’m going to start out-lifting him.
The stretch I feel down the back of my legs is painful, but soothing. Standing, I stretch out my shoulders by pulling each arm across my chest, then roll my head from side to side to work out the kinks in my neck.
I take off again, completing the final circuit before heading home.
It’s funny, having Aurora with us at the safe house makes it feel more like home than any other place we’ve ever lived. As much as I dread the hours I will spend awake and alone while they sleep, I’m eager to return.
When I get back, I head downstairs to hit up the coffee machine before everyone turns in. I need to move it back to the kitchen, but the last time I tried, Aurora adamantly refused my request. Her exact words were, “Touch my coffee machine, and I’ll cut your balls off.” Since then, I’ve been reluctant to push the point.
It’s late, but she’s usually still up at this time, so I don’t worry about disturbing her. As soon as I step into the med-room, I instantly regret it.
I had assumed the flickering blueish lights sneaking under the med-room door were from the TV. I was wrong. They are, in fact, from the computer monitor and I am greeted with a vision of Aurora bent over Nico’s lap having her luscious ass spanked while Benny eats her out.
Her cries of ecstasy assault me from the monitor speakers and I stop dead in my tracks. There’s nothing I can see or hear that is not consensual and it’s none of my fucking business. Backing out of the room, I decide retreating is my best option.
I head up to my room, taking the stairs two at a time. Once I’m inside, I shut the door and lean my forehead against the wood. I can feel the rise and fall of my shoulders and the thrum of my pulse everywhere as it slows to a gentle throb.
I keep myself busy because when I stop, or rather when I try to stop, there’s no peace. There’s no respite from the chaotic muddle of endless possibilities that race through my head. At least when I was caring for Aurora, I had something to calm my mind. But now it races, and now there are fresh worries, more problems we have to face.
I fear I’m not good enough at my job to protect her.
I push away from the door and force myself to ignore my doubts. There’s no room for any uncertainty right now. We must find a way to separate Marco from his men. Tony and Carlo were relatively easy to isolate, largely because of their hubris. But Benny’s dad isn’t stupid, and we have to act fast before he finds out they’re missing.
I throw my phone on my bedside table and strip out of my running gear, forcing myself to have a shower. Not because it will help relax me, only because it’s necessary. The pounding of the water against my skin water doesn’t soothe my aching muscles, and the heat does not help me unwind. When I step out, I wipe the mirror clear of steam and stare at my reflection.
My dark hair falls forward in sodden waves, trickling water down my face and highlighting that it’s about time I shaved—the droplets disappearing into the mess of hair that is more beard than scruff now.
Another necessity.
After taming my facial hair, I grab a pair of sweats and sit down on the end of my bed. I’m not entirely sure how long I stay there, held hostage by the never-ending scenarios that run rampant through my mind, but eventually I hear the heavy steps of Nico and Benny traipsing up the stairs.
I cross to the door and crack it open. Benny is in front, and Nico follows with Aurora wrapped around his chest like a koala as he carries her to his room. I step out into the hallway, announcing my presence.
The words leave my mouth before my mind objects. “Do not hurt her.” They both nod solemnly, and I turn without waiting for any other response and close my door behind me.
As I crawl under my sheets and roll onto my back to assume the familiar position—staring at my ceiling—I prepare to wait the hours it’ll take for exhaustion to win out.
My phone vibrates, and I reach out to the bedside table to check it.