“You’re ours now,” is all he says before he lifts me off the stool and sweeps me into his arms. I can’t help but nuzzle into him, and the combined scent of Nico and Benny envelops me. As we get to the hallway, I see Sinclair coming down the stairs and panic. Not thirty-minutes ago we were discussing what happened with us, how we’d take it slow and that there was no pressure and now I’m slung over Nico’s shoulder. He must hate me.
I can’t bear to make eye contact, so scared of what I’ll see in his expression when he meets my eye. These men have pledged to help me. They saved me, and here I am, flitting about from one to the other like a disloyal slut.
His footsteps get closer and Nico stops so he can catch up. He hooks a finger under my chin, kisses me softly, and I’m too stunned to kiss him back.
“That won’t do, hummingbird. You can do better than that.”
I open my eyes and see his warm smile and it fills every corner of my soul, casting light into the darkest corners where all my fears hide. I kiss him back and revel in the feeling of adoration. Breaking the kiss, my eyes search his golden irises for what this means. Why isn’t he stopping us?
“I care about you, colibrì. But you should have figured it out by now that we all care about you.” He smiles, and he only confuses me further. Canting his head, he strokes my cheek. “You have nothing to worry about. I am not threatened by my brother’s feelings for you. What I said earlier still stands. I want you. You will set the pace of whatever this is between us, and we’ll see where this goes.” I’m still baffled by his reaction. That he’s not screaming at finding me in Nico’s arms.
Nico finally breaks his silence, “You may need to have a similar conversation with all of us, phoenix. All of us want you.”
Sinclair chuckles and steals a kiss before I can open my mouth to ask them… I don’t know… something. What the fuck is going on? I’m so confused.
“I’ll see you in the morning, colibrì. Have fun.” He’s gone before my brain reboots from the short circuit it seems to be experiencing.
“What just happened?” I ask.
Nico continues on his way and, with his free shoulder, pushes open the interrogation room.
“Well, phoenix, I believe Sinclair gave us his blessing to play together. And considering you just spent the last half hour getting yourself off to a live sex show without our consent, I would say you need to be punished.”
I’ve definitely died and gone to some sort of kink-based hell where the objects of my desire torture me with promises they will never keep.
“You involved yourself in our dynamic without our consent and worse than that, you denied my Bambi his orgasm by interrupting us. What do you have to say for yourself?”
I have no idea what comes over me, but after witnessing the bliss on Benny’s face, hearing the stern tone that Nico chastises me with, I fall to my knees, sit back on my haunches, drop my hands to my lap and avert my eyes to the floor.
“I’m sorry.”
I hear Benedict gasp, and I feel both of their eyes on me now.
“I’m sorry, sir,” he corrects.
Holy fuck, I feel my pussy gush as his words awaken something in me I’m terrified to lean into. “I’m sorry, s?—”
“Wait,” he interrupts, his expression softening. “Look at me, Aurora. It’s not right to demand a title when we have not discussed how we—how this—dynamic works. Benny, you’re going to have to wait a little longer. Come here.”
Benny comes to his side, naked and hard. I don’t know where to look, so I end up studying my hands. Nico chuckles and unties Benny’s arms and sends him to put his jeans back on. This should help, but they’re both still shirtless and that’s doing nothing to curb the debauched thoughts racing around my head.
I want them both—them all. I want them and Sinclair. Maybe I am a whore.
Before I can follow that train of thought any further, I’m being lifted again, cradled to his chest as he sits back in the same chair Benny was flogged over. His corded muscles are covered with a tantalising sheen of sweat that is begging to be licked clean, but I tamp down that urge—for now. He turns me so my back is to his front and his lips dust the shell of my ear.
“Let me explain, phoenix. Bambi, on your knees.”
Watching Benny obey Nico is intoxicating. It makes my body come alive and thrum with need. I’m wracked with jealousy as Benny falls to his knees before us.
“Benedict and I explore each other through a power exchange dynamic. He is submissive to me, and I am his dominant.” Nico raises a hand and strokes along Benny’s jawline, making me bite my cheek. “We’ve customised our dynamic to suit what we need and based on our hard limits. Everything we explore is with explicit consent. But we’ve been together for years. I know exactly what Benedict’s limits are.”
His hand drops to my hip, and his gentle squeeze triggers me to lean back into him.
“We use the traffic light system and I check in throughout a scene. Green for happy to continue, yellow to slow down or when approaching a limit, and red for stop. If I hear red, everything stops immediately. Do you understand?”
I nod my head, but he hooks a crooked finger under my chin and chastises, “Uh-uh-uh, phoenix. You want to play, then we’ll play. But I need your words.”
I want to reply to him, but he runs his lips down the slope of my neck and words escape me.