Her selflessness floors me. How does someone who’s spent years being systematically destroyed have the capacity for this level of understanding? I can’t speak, and Nico has my back.
“You don’t need to say that, Aurora. But… I’m going to say thank you, anyway. Mateo meant a lot to us.” We’re left with a lull in the conversation that stretches out until I pull the car into the driveway. It’s not awkward, it’s just heavy with the weight of the topic. It follows us as we head into the house and go to find Sinclair.
After tracking Sinclair down in the gym with Zo, we filled them both in. When Rory explained what she thought the marks were, the tension rolling off Zo was palpable, but he pulled it together as we discussed the meet with Manny.
“When we were leaving, I asked Stefano to take over investigating the nurse that’s stalking Doc Em. He’s more of a problem than I originally thought. Normally, I’d deal with him myself, but we have too much on our plates right now. I can’t guarantee her safety if I can’t watch her all the time.”
“You think it’s that serious, Nico?”
“Yeah, from my surveillance of him, he’s definitely a problem. With everything else we’ve got going on, we need someone else keeping an eye on the situation. Stefano has experience with stalkers and the resources to protect her—he’s got it covered.”
“Good thinking,” Zo says, patting Nico on the shoulder as he heads out of the makeshift gym we’ve set up at the back of the garage.
I jerk my head towards the door to encourage Nico to follow me out of the room. He looks pained to leave Aurora, but I know that Aurora and Sinclair need to be alone. They haven’t seen each other since this morning, and they need to talk.
When we get to the kitchen, I turn around and bring my palm to Nico’s chest. “I need?—”
“I know what you need, Bambi.”
He pushes me back against the counter, fisting my hair and wrenching my head back, exposing my neck to him. I have kept my hair this length since we started dating—just long enough for Nico to grab on to. The perfect length.
He drags his lips from my jawline down my neck and across my pulse point. I let out a whimper when he bites down—the pain shocking me and then morphing into a shiver that trickles down my spine.
“How many times do I have to tell you both? Not in the communal areas. Take it somewhere else,” Zo says from behind us, opening the fridge and grabbing the milk.
Oops. Busted.
“Yes, boss,” Nico replies and grabs my forearm, dragging me behind him. I assume he’s taking me to his room, but as we cross the foyer, we detour down into the basement. I can’t suppress my smile when I realise he’s taking me to the interrogation room.
We are going to play.
Stalking down the corridor, he throws open the door and pulls me to the centre of the room.
“On your knees and assume the position.”
Fuck, I’m already hard.
The room is cool and crisp, but I don’t feel its chill as Nico exudes an aura of masculinity that I can feel wrapping itself around me in winding tendrils. It takes all my control to obey and not cross the room to him, into the soothing warmth of his dominance.
I drop to my knees, maintaining eye contact as I tuck my feet underneath me. Placing my hands palm up on my thighs, I break eye contact and drop my chin to my chest, taking a deep breath to centre myself in the scene.
“What’s your safe word, Bambi?”
“Midnight, sir.”
“And give me your colour.”
“Green, sir.”
“We’re going to play with pain tonight. Get you out of your head.”
He stands towering behind me, running his fingers through my unruly hair. I lean into his touch automatically as he radiates a masterful energy that demands my subservience.
“Shirt off, hands and knees.”
I try to remove my hoodie and henley without tangling myself up in them, but in my haste my sleeves catch on my wrists, and I’m left shirtless with my arms inadvertently restrained.
“Well, that’s just perfect. Change of plan, leave the shirt, get on your knees and elbows. Ass up, Bambi.”