There has to be a way.
I have survived him before. I’ll have to do it again.
It’s taken too fucking long for the cavalry to arrive, but fuck me, they arrived. The De Lucas won’t see this fucking coming.
Manny and Stefano got here ten minutes ago, and they’ve brought every loyal Bianchi with them. Turns out that’s a shit-ton of people and they’re all incensed. The most surprising members of the crowd are not only Marco’s son, but his daughter. Luc and Etta are standing beside Stefano, faces stricken with emotion. It’s obvious that they’re both ashamed and enraged.
I watch as Benedict approaches them with caution. I’m poised, ready to jump in if need be. They didn’t approve of how their father treated Benedict, but given their father’s position, they couldn’t speak out or they would have faced the same fate. They did what they could. I don’t think Marco ever knew his daughter had called Nico the night his dad shot him. She risked a lot to save Benedict’s life.
They exchange a few words before they lean in and hold each other. I hope that whatever happens, Benny gets some of his family back tonight. Assuming we all survive.
We have more support than I could have hoped for, but an all-out attack on a Syndicate leader is crazy. Putting our surprising numbers aside, another bonus for us is that no one in that compound will be expecting it. It’s a civil war between the families. It’s unprecedented.
But is it unsurprising? What the fuck did Salvatore expect? They killed Mateo, and they infiltrated our leadership. They have betrayed any trust that was built. The Syndicate is dead.
Stefano is heading my way and marching behind him is the last person I expect to see.
“No fucking way you're going in with us,” I say as Doc Em comes to a stop in front of me.
“Of course not, you prick. I’m here to triage any casualties and help when you get Aurora and Nico out of there.”
I cast her a dubious glance, and she holds up her hands.
“Scouts honour. I’ll be in the van with my father’s crew backing me up. Besides, this fucking guard dog you sicked on me is making it really hard to have any fun at the moment.” She cocks her head sideways at Stefano, who remains expressionless, but I swear I see a glint in his eye flaring to life at her bratty attitude.
“Less talk, more getting in the van, Em,” Stefano says.
She’s already climbing in as she says, “That’s Doctor Mancini to you, old man.”
“So, she’s glad of the protection, then?” I say, unable to hold back the snigger at his expense.
“I’m not above shooting you, Sinclair,” Doc Em threatens.
We walk over to Enzo, who’s got a satellite view of a map up on his phone, pointing at various points of entry to the people he’s designated as team leads. With so many Bianchi capos compromised, Stefano charged Enzo with picking people from the ranks. It wasn’t difficult. We have enough information collected on the rank and file to know who’s got the best skills. It’s far easier now the capo’s egos are not part of the equation.
Enzo has given me a team of eight to lead through one of the back entrances to the basement. Our focus is to find our people and destroy any weapons caches. I’ll have Luc and Etta on my team. They’ve never shied away from getting their hands dirty, and their skills with firearms will be an asset. Benedict will be taking a team to take out the front gates. He’s working with whatever provisions we have left over from the club earlier, but if I know Benny at all, it will be enough. He’s well-known for over-preparing when it comes to pyrotechnics.
Zo is handing out the earpieces Stefano brought, and I raise an eyebrow at him. “Are you finally moving into the twenty-first century?”
“Fuck off, Sin. There are too many bodies on the ground not to upgrade communications.”
“It’s about time, you fucking luddite.”
Enzo calls for everyone’s attention and starts the final go command. “Everyone knows where they need to be. Gather up your teams and get in position. When you hear the gate blow, that’s your signal. Make sure you’re on comms.” Enzo pauses and looks around at everyone. They’ve all stopped and are hanging on his every word, including Stefano and Manny, who are showing him a level of respect that’s unprecedented with any of us bastards. It’s jarring, and I can see the bob of Zo’s throat as the recognition takes him by surprise.
“I want to commend you all for your loyalty. This move against the Bianchis is a threat to everything we have built. The De Lucas have woefully underestimated who they’re dealing with, and I thank each one of you for taking a stand tonight.”
A flurry of nodding heads return Zo’s sentiment in the sea of loyal faces.
“You know what to do. Move out.”
My team is crouched in the alley behind the De Luca compound, waiting for the signal. It doesn’t take any more than ten minutes before we all hear a deafening explosion. By the sounds of it, Benedict hit them with a missile, but I know that can’t be right because Zo made him get rid of his RPG-7 rocket launcher. Zo’s gonna be pissed if he didn’t.