Page 47 of Broken Princess

“While I appreciate the enthusiasm, Benedict, I need all trace evidence vaporised. I dealt with enough gore last night. I just need it all gone,” Zo responds in a weary tone that makes me realise the implications of last night’s events. We have serious problems to face.

“Sorry, boss. Of course.”

Sinclair adds, “I’ll go with you. Got an idea where we can test your charges and dispose of Barone.” I tip my chin, encouraging Zo to continue.

“I think our best bet now is bringing Manny and Stefano in on this. They have to be in the same situation as us—trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. We need to know why the fuck they’ve not told anyone Mateo is missing.”

Sinclair interjects, “They’re working with half the information we have. What else would you expect them to do? It’s not like they trust the De Lucas and announcing it to everyone only creates panic. In Manny’s position, I would do the same. Gather information and wait until I know more.”

Nico nods along as the grownups talk. This is how our crew works best. Zo and Sinclair hash it out, and then Nico and I act on the plans.

“We need to go to them with Rory and Tony to back up our claim that Salvatore is behind all this,” Zo suggests and then lets us consider his words.

“How do we know one or both of them isn’t crooked, too?” I ask.

“Carlo gave us what he knew. I have no doubts that Rory and Nico got everything out of him,” Sinclair interjects.

“You’re assuming it stops at my dad and Carlo was trusted enough to know of every Bianchi traitor involved?”

“I see your point, but it’s a risk we have to take. We need help, Benedict. They have resources we need, and we can’t take on the De Lucas without support. We’d be dead before we started,” Zo posits.

“Are you willing to gamble Rory’s life on this?” Nico asks.

A subtle cough has us all snapping our head around to stare at Rory. “If you’re quite done deciding for me,” she takes a moment to glare at each of us, making sure we each feel a heated flare of embarrassment before continuing, “I think you’re right, Enzo. As it stands, we’ve just kidnapped two capos and killed one of them. If Manny finds out, he'll be forced to order a hit on you. They may continue to keep quiet about my dad, but someone’s going to miss Carlo and Tony soon. Without the underboss's support, we'll be defending on two fronts.”

Rory runs a hand over her face and huffs out a frustrated sigh. “This is a clusterfuck. What the fuck is Salvatore waiting for? Why initiate a coup and then fail to seize power?”

“I don’t fucking know, and that’s why we can’t do this shit alone. We can protect you here if we hide and do nothing. But if we’re going to stop the De Lucas, you need more than us. You need a fucking army at your back.”

“You’re assuming a lot there, Zo. Dad’s loyal soldiers were happy to sacrifice me to a De Luca in the first place. Why the fuck would they be loyal to me now?”

Sinclair stands and crosses the room, stopping directly in front of Rory. Hooking his thumb and forefinger under her chin, he demands her focus. There’s something understated but so unbelievably dominant about the move, and it stirs a submissive response in me. That’s new. I’m looking at Sinclair and suddenly seeing him in a different light. Daddy Sin. Commanding, gentle, and dominant as fuck.

I squirm in my seat next to Nico and he chuckles at me, realising my response.

“It’s not fucking funny,” I grumble at him under my breath.

His lips are at the shell of my ear and his words dance across it, forcing a shiver down my spine. “Maybe I’ll try to channel my inner Sinclair later. Would you like that, Bambi?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I push him away and volley my head between Sin and Nico before coming back to his eyes. “But yes.”

Nico’s sinful smile warms my cheeks, and I return my focus to Aurora.

Sinclair starts in an even tone, “Because a majority of us thought we were agreeing to an alliance—a partnership. We thought you would be protected, not sacrificed. Why did you think that your safety was the price that had to be paid for The Syndicate? Why didn’t you ask for help?”

Rory takes a breath, and it makes me nervous. I know I will not like what comes next.

“Sin, you are overestimating the motivations behind our pact with the De Lucas, and you are underestimating the significance of the agreement we made when The Syndicate was forged. We were sending good men to their deaths in a pointless war, arguing over territories, and losing millions diluting revenue streams between the two families. My freedom was the price the Bianchi family had to pay to stop the bloodshed and secure a financially stable future.” She lifts her hand to cup his cheek. “My father was aware of the consequences of the sacrifice I made.”

“What the fuck do you mean he was aware?” Zo roars, charging over and pushing Sinclair out of the way. Enzo’s heaving frame blocks Aurora from my view, but I can see that she’s cowering at his outburst. I’m up in a flash with Sinclair next to me as we each grab one of Zo’s arms and pull him back.

“Calm the fuck down, right now, Zo,” Sinclair growls while Zo looks distraught.

“Are you telling me your father knew? Knew what Max was doing to you?”

Rory straightens her back and pushes her shoulders back. “Not in the beginning. But he figured it out. There were too many times I couldn’t see him, usually because I’d spent an extended stay in our basement, and I had to heal. He never saw my injuries, but there were weeks, sometimes months at a time, that I couldn’t leave the house. I don’t think he realised the extent though until…” her breath catches, “the warehouse.”

She casts her eyes down to her knees and shoves her hands in the kangaroo pocket on the front of the hoodie. “Besides, there was nothing he could do short of declaring war on the De Lucas. It’s not like I could divorce Max. The only way out was death and like fuck was I going to give that cunt the satisfaction.”