This is going to be fun.
“What the fuck are you guys doi—” I silence him with a cross to his jaw, throwing my full weight behind it. That’s enough out of him. I feel the give in his jawbone as the force dislocates it, effectively silencing him.
“I wouldn’t try to speak if I were you. You’ll only piss me off.” His eyes go wide with terror as he realises how absolutely fucked he is. He turns to run, but he’s a fool for thinking he can outrun me. He makes it maybe three strides before I have him by the hair, wrenching his head so his neck strains backwards at an unnatural angle.
“I hear you and your friends have been up to no good, Jack.” His eyes, now wide as saucers, as I reveal the extent of my knowledge about him. “Oh, not only do I know all about your little ring of rapists, but I know where you live. I know where your family lives, your friends too, Jackie-boy. How do you think your mother would react if I sent her the footage we have of you drugging your dates?”
My prey tries to respond and yelps in agony as his sagging jaw protests at the movement. “I said don’t talk. You just don’t listen.” I spin him round and back him up to the wall, body checking him before taking half a step back and throwing a punishing jab to his abdomen, targeting his liver. My plan is to fuck him up, just enough.
“I detest sleazy womanising scumbags like you. Is it that you lack the personality and intelligence to get a woman to connect with you, or are you just plain lazy?” I grunt as my fist finds his left kidney. “I’m going to guess you and your sorry collection of assholes hit the trifecta. Dull, stupid, and bone idle.”
This goes on for a while. I talk, Jack cries, I punch, Jack pisses himself, I kick, Jack passes out. Oops… I went a bit too far. I look up and notice Nico shaking his head at me, but he’s also smirking.
“My Bambi and his impulse control issues,” he says with a chuckle, clearly enjoying watching me toy with Jack. Relishing me unleashing my monster. I can see from the outline of his hardening cock that my display has turned him on. “Are you done?”
“The shit-head passed out on me, Nico. Help me get him in the car, since he’s not conscious enough to take the message back himself,” I turn and spit on him, “like I said, just plain fucking lazy. I have an idea.”
“Why do all your bright ideas end with me having to get my car detailed, Benny? I’m fed up with explaining this shit to the guys that clean it.”
“You only ever complain like this when it’s blood, you know. You never seem to object to having my cum all over your back seat,” I say, a shameless smile on my face now. This brief excursion seems to have done the trick. Nico was right. I feel a shit-ton better—like I’ve exorcised some demons.
Nico huffs out a grunt, which I’m going to assume is agreement. He can’t deny it. Nico loves to take me on road trips, only they’re nearly always kinky. He’ll take me somewhere he can chase me or park his car somewhere public and edge the fuck out of me until I can’t take anymore. We didn’t realise cum stains some leathers. Now we do. Nico was pissed when we ruined his last car’s interior. We scotch-guarded this one, but it never holds up against blood.
“Where are we taking this cunt, then?” Nico asks.
“Home, of course, but we need to stop at the store first.”
I’m adding the finishing touches to my special delivery. I picked up some chunky red ribbons and a get well soon card at the store. We’ve positioned him naked on an Adirondack chair in the backyard of his frat house. Tied in a pretty bow that’s woven through the slats around his torso and legs, making sure he’s not going anywhere until his pathetic disciples rescue him. Hopefully not until morning. While we didn’t technically sign the card, Nico and I are certain that they’ll all get the message.
Dear Date-raping Cunts,
We catch one of you again and we will deliver all of you to the police exactly like this… gift wrapped and with the footage we have.
Watching you always.
“Are you about done? I know you’re having fun, Benny, but we can’t stay here all night.” His tone is weary as he runs his hands through hair.
I concede defeat and follow him back to our car. Sliding into the front passenger seat, I sit back and take a breath. But now I’m done with my little distraction, I’m faced with the cold, hard reality again.
My father betrayed the Bianchis. To be connected in any way to Mateo’s death—to what Max did to Aurora? It makes me sick to my stomach. It’s been a long time since I had any respect for him, but this is a level of shame I find hard to bear.
“I see all your cogs turning, Bambi. Stop it. We’re not responsible for the sins of our fathers. I may not know much, but I know that.” His words are comforting and warm me from the inside out.
He doesn’t make eye contact as he starts the car, but he rests his hand on the top of my thigh after he pulls out of the alleyway behind the frat house. He soothes me, stroking his thumb back and forth as a sign of reassurance. He’s a hard bastard, but when I need him, even if I’m not aware I do, he becomes my rock.
“I know you’re right, but to think that I’m in any way involved in this, even by association, is repulsive,” I say, trying hard not to be overwhelmed by the shame that creeps its way through me, making my skin crawl.
“I know you were fond of Mateo, especially after he backed you joining our crew. But there’s more to this, isn’t there?” Nico asks, his tone probing but not accusatory.
“You can read me too well, Nico,” I say, a lump forming in my throat, voice thick with emotion. “Sometimes I wish you couldn’t.”
“Benedict, there’s nothing you could say to me that would make me think any less of you.”
I take a deep breath and consider how to phrase what I’m about to say. How the love of my life will take it. Steeling myself, I open my mouth and let the words fall out as they will.
“Before you, I was confused, Nico. And while I know exactly how I feel about you,” I turn to him and watch him as I say, “you know I love you.” He smiles. It’s a devilish smile reserved only for me. “But I’m still quite confused about what I felt… before you.”
He nods. A simple acknowledgment with no reaction, and it bolsters me with enough courage to say the next bit.