Page 98 of Darkest Desires

Zeus frowned, looking over at Tye. “We?”

“Yes,we,” Tye sighed with impatience.

Zeus stared at him, then back at me. “I’m with Reign, Tye. If you don’t believe him,yougo and see him.”

Tye hesitated, and his eyes met mine.

A sob left my throat as he nodded, kissing my forehead.

“Fine. Feed this woman before she passes out, will you?”

Zeus followed Tye to the door, and they had a hushed conversation. I took over the bacon and eggs, heaping them onto a plate before devouring them.

“Bye, Lizzie,” Tye said before heading out the door, leaving me alone with a grumpy Zeus.

“I hope you’re going to be nice,” I warned Zeus, dipping a slice of bread into the runny egg.

Zeus shot me a look before slamming the bathroom door behind him.

I was stunned—I’d never seen Zeus like this.

I knew he and Tye had been trying to work things out between them, but it felt like Zeus had a problem with me.


The sound of the shower filled the room, and I tidied my plate away before curling up on the sofa.

Zeus tugged open the door, wearing grey sweatpants and not much else, sighing as he studied me.

He’s so beautiful.

“Are you mad with me?” I asked in a small voice, and his features softened.

“Yeah, I guess I am. You have to trust us, Lizzie. Seriously.”

“I do—I did,” I said, biting my lip as Zeus’s eyes darkened. “Fuck, I don’t know, I saw the videos and heard Reign’s voice, and I just span out.”

Zeus tossed his wet towel into the laundry basket before approaching me. “I’ve never seen Reign behave like he does around you. You sent him crazy.”

“I know, but I told him I loved him, Zeus.”

It hurt admitting that. Repeatedly, to three guys.

Zeus shrugged. “So? It doesn’t make him a murderer because he didn’t say it back.”

I considered his words, but I was too upset to be rational. “No, but he could’ve told me about his past. He could’ve told me anything.”

“Well, maybe he didn’t expect you to go directly to the guy he fucking hates.”

I leapt up, suddenly through with Zeus’s tirade of bullshit. “I don’t know what your problem is, Zeus, but you need to stop taking it out on me!” My throat ached from yelling, but I didn’t give a crap.

Zeus shook his head but said nothing, and I pushed past him to go to the bedroom, taking great pleasure in slamming the door behind me.

Why had Tye left me with him?

Zeus was angry with me for doubting Reign, and I got it; they were buddies. But I didn’t know them like they knew each other.

Zeus didn’t come in for a couple of hours, by which time I’d nodded off.