Page 95 of Darkest Desires

“Then he drugged me.”

Tye stiffened but remained silent.

I didn't dare look at him, not now. I swallowed, forcing myself to continue.

“When I woke up, he’d tied me to his bed.” My eyes stung at the memory. “I thought he was going to hurt me.”

“And did he?” Tye finally asked, his gaze boring into me.

I swallowed. “I don't know. I wouldn't put it past him.”

Tye snorted, shaking his head as he gripped his coffee. “No. He’s a fucking psycho.”

“Anyway,” I continued. “Alexander told me that a girl died. When Reign and he were…playing with her.”

Tye rubbed my back, and my heart sank that he wasn't surprised.

He knew.

“Alexander said she signed a contract. That shit happens.”

“What a wonderful way to put it.” Tye snapped, pinching the bridge of his nose. “So why the wig? Why are you hiding?”

I knew he would ask this. I should’ve prepared for it, but I didn’t.

Sipping my coffee, I turned to face him.

“I don’t want to be part of that world, Tye. Sex games that go too far? A dead woman? No wonder Reign wouldn’t tell me.”

Tye stared down at the table before exhaling. “The thing is, sweetheart, it was an accident.”

Before he could continue, I held my hand up, turning to him with a lump in my throat. “Well, according to Alexander, theyknewwhat was happening and continued.”

Tye stared at me before clenching his jaw and shaking his head forcefully.

“No. Reign wouldnever—”

“Alexander showed me the text messages, Tye. The emails. He recorded their conversations.”

My hands trembled, and I forced them together to remain in control.

“Lizzie, tell me what you heard. Tell me.” Tye sounded in pain, and I turned to him, my eyes filling with tears.

“Reign told Alexander he knew she couldn’t breathe but couldn’t stop—he was too far gone. Alexander said worse things…but both of them continued using her for pleasure, Tye.”

Tye leaned forward, his head bowing between his legs as he pushed his hands through his hair.

I knew what he was thinking because I had thought it myself.

How can anyone do that?


That’s not what I wanted to hear. I wanted Tye to tell me Alexander could’ve somehow made it up, that the texts, videos, and voice recordings were wrong.

“He fucked her while she struggled to breathe, knowing she couldn’t breathe?” Tye checked, reaching out for my hand.
